2016-2017 45 Day Budget Revision
Additional LCFF Revenue 2015-2016 2016-2017 $78,479,591 $78,557,032 Increase of $77,441 (Due to higher GAP % and ADA) $82,991,744 $82,968,470 Decrease of $23,274 (Due to decrease in GAP %) Estimated Actuals Unaudited Actuals Adopted Budget 45 Day Budget Revision COLA 1.02% GAP 52.2% ADA 9,883.49 COLA 1.02% GAP 52.6% ADA 9,888.03 COLA 0.0% GAP 54.84% ADA 9,921.77 COLA 0.0% GAP 54.18% ADA 9,921.77
College Readiness Block Grant One-time funds to increase college preparation and college-going rates for English learners, foster youth, and low-income students Grant amount of $150,000 Calculated $140 per ADA for unduplicated students in grades 9-12 Eligible activities include but are not limited to: Professional development (teachers, administrators, counselors) Counseling services for college admission Student subsidies for Advanced Placement test fees
Must spend or encumber funds by fiscal year end 2018-2019 Develop a plan describing how funds will increase or improve services for unduplicated students Align with LCAP and describe extent to which all pupils will have access to “a-g” courses Discuss at regular board meeting and adopt at a subsequent board meeting Report to State Superintendent about how District will measure impact of funds for unduplicated students Spending Requirements Planning Requirements Reporting Requirements
Next Steps The Budget will be revised to reflect activity for the period July 1, 2016 through October 31, 2016 This First Interim Report will be presented to the Board on December 7, 2016