API 17H TASK GROUP January, 2015
BACKGROUND API 17H second edition was published in June 2013 API 17M was withdrawn and replace with API 17H A new work item has not been initiated for the next edition (SRRR)
TEAM MEMBERS (API) Name Company E-mail Charles White BG Norge charles.white@bg-group.com Cody Outlaw Chevron codyoutlaw@yahoo.com Mark Holder FMC mark.holder@fmcti.com David Ellison Noble Denton david.ellison@nobledenton.com James Gibbs JPKenny james.gibb@jpkenny.com Brian Skeels brian.skeels@fmcti.com John Fassero ExxonMobil john.fassero@exxonmobil.com Karl Schnakenburg BHP Billiton karl.schnakenburg@bhpblliton.com
CURRENT STATUS Three inquiries recieved for second edition Clarification of quality requirements for hot stabs Clarification of dimensions in Figure 20 (Type C hot stab) Clarification of dimensions in (Type D hot stab) Released Errata to correct Figure 20 January 2014 Held meeting to review inquiries related to hotstab drawings
CURRENT STATUS Focus areas for the next edition are: Further normalization of hot stab drawings Clarification of quality requirements Consider outstanding comments left from the previous edition Add references to recently released recommended practice
NEXT STEPS Initiate new work item (SRRR)