I go out salgo
scissors las tijeras
The tree is big. El árbol es grande.
It’s prohibited Se prohíbe
To ask for help Pedir ayuda
I bring traigo
clock El reloj
The red chair. La silla roja.
to answer contestar
We are friends Somos amigos
word La palabra
I say/tell digo
I know David. Conozco a David.
I turn in Entrego
We are at school. Estamos en la escuela.
I do/make hago
She is happy. Está contenta.
I have to read. Tengo que leer.
You learn by memory Aprendes de memoria
On time A tiempo
I hear oigo
We arrive late Llegamos tarde
I put pongo
You see Ves
stapler La grapadora
I played jugué
report El informe