DELAC Meeting May 17, 2017
Agenda Welcome/Introductions Review and Approve LCAP Review and Approve EL Master Plan CELDT/ELPAC Discussion
I feel most proud of...
EL Master Plan The process of master plan review Stakeholder meetings Input and review The California English Learner Roadmap Project
Increase English Language Proficiency by providing effective English language instruction Providing professional development Adequate resources Intellectual rigor and scaffolding Full access to curriculum Assessment for continuous improvement Language development across the curriculum Alignment and articulation Build and value partnerships with families Master Plan Goals
All EL students who have been in the district since kindergarten will be redesignated by 5th grade Elementary goal
Fall 2017 (17-18 SY) Spring 2018 (17-18 SY) Fall 2018 (18-19 SY) Transitioning to ELPAC Fall 2017 (17-18 SY) Spring 2018 (17-18 SY) Fall 2018 (18-19 SY) Spring 2019 (18-19 SY) CELDT- Initial ELPAC- Summative ELPAC- Initial ELPAC- Summative
ELPAC Summative (Annual) Window CELDT Initial Window July 2017 - June 2018 ELPAC Summative (Annual) Window Feb 1- May 31
Guidelines for Reclassification The LEAs are to establish local reclassification policies and procedures based on the four criteria below: 1. English language proficiency (CELDT/ELPAC) 2. Teacher evaluation 3. Parental opinion/consultation 4. Academic content assessment (grades, benchmarks)