Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Vocab Lesson 2 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Assuming power, arrogant, domineering Imperious Assuming power, arrogant, domineering Example: My cat always treats me imperiously because she thinks she is the queen of the house.
Inspiring fear or respect by being powerful or capable, intimidating. Formidable The brown bear was a formidable foe when he charged out of the woods at me.
enjoyment in doing something, enthusiasm or zest for doing something Gusto enjoyment in doing something, enthusiasm or zest for doing something If you want to be in a musical like Orphan Annie, you need to be ready to sing with great gusto.
MEEK timid, quiet, gentle Unlike Annie, this mouse is too meek to be in any musicals.
FLIPPANT not showing a serious or respectful attitude, frivolous shy mouse Ramona the Pest responded flippantly when Beezus was mad about the paint on her shirt. FLIPPANT not showing a serious or respectful attitude, frivolous
Harry was especially stealthy when he had to tiptoe past Snape one night after he was supposed to be in his room sleeping. STEALTHY secretive, sneaky, and sly
BOYCOTT: refuse to purchase or support Perhaps one of the most famous boycotts in history is the Boston Tea Party, when the outraged colonists not only refused to buy the tea, but they also snuck on board the British ships and dumped it all into the ocean as well. BOYCOTT: refuse to purchase or support
to kill someone, especially by hanging, without a legal trial Lynch to kill someone, especially by hanging, without a legal trial The lynchings in the Southern U.S. were so bad from the Civil War up to the Civil Rights era, that more than 4000 African Americans lost their lives to this hateful practice.