Unisys Mobile CommHub – Inventing the Future Presented by: Edward Minyard, ITIL Partner Global Infrastructure Services
Unisys Mobile CommHub Genesis of the Solution –Developed by Unisys to meet the requirements of a high profile client (PANY&NJ) –Provide a communications platform with high degree of flexibility and network redundancy Capable of extending Emergency Operations Center (EOC) intranet to emergency scene –To be deployed with first responders in hostile environments When intra- and inter-site communications is imperative even when terrestrial communications infrastructure has been compromised
Unisys and The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is relying on Unisys Corporation's CommHub to help its response teams coordinate activities in real and potential emergencies. Unisys CommHub enables the Port Authority's first response teams to stay connected with emergency operations centers and each other during incidents at airports, bridges, tunnels, bus terminals, seaports and other facilities it manages within a 25-mile radius of the Statue of Liberty - the nation's largest metropolitan area.
Port Authority of NY & NJ PANY&NJ has deployed the CommHub in real-world responses –Republican National Convention –Recent airplane crash at Teeterboro Airport PANY&NJ continues to evaluate advanced uses for the CommHub –Port security –Coast protection
Unisys Mobile CommHub Solution Overview –Designed as a mobile wireless solution – Hence Communications Hub or CommHub –Inherent connection recovery with multiple WAN links –Modular architecture for flexible configuration Radio / WAN agnostic Neutral platform for maximum flexibility Designed to meet vast user requirements Standards based platform
Unisys Mobile CommHub System Architecture –System core is based on Cisco Mobile Access Router (MAR) and Mobile IP (MoIP) routing protocol –MoIP developed to maintain single IP address as end user device travels from one network connection to another. Analogous to cell phones roaming from cell to cell
Unisys Mobile CommHub Details of the Solution –802.11b wireless LAN bubble within the surrounding area of the equipment. Provides intra-site communications amongst community of users and resources at site –Multiple WAN wireless links for inter-site connectivity… emergency scene (ES) and EOC, ES and Internet, ES and others (2) Independent cellular data networks (1) Satellite IP network
Unisys Mobile CommHub Details of the Solution (cont.) –Server/Laptop to provide computing platform at ES –Auto-tracking VSAT dish for automated deployment and ease of use –Automated setup, just power on the system… allows first responders to respond and not be system operators
Unisys Mobile CommHub Details of the Solution (cont.) –Includes cutting edge Breadcrumb® technology. Allows b LAN to be extended via wireless mesh technology. –Benefits rescue missions by allowing first responders to stay wirelessly connected as they penetrate deep into emergency scene such as: »tunnels, caves, stairs, basements, subway/trolley stations, etc. –Rugged container for electronics –Low power consumption
Unisys Mobile CommHub Details of the Solution (cont.) –Demonstrated Capabilities VoIP – b LAN IP video streaming – b LAN and satellite WAN Video Tele-conferencing over the satellite WAN VPN connectivity – satellite and cellular WAN Web browsing – satellite and cellular WAN
Unisys Mobile CommHub Interoperability –Standards based platform IP Windows® GPRS, CDMA, Satellite communications LAN/WAN –Operations in a Multi-agency exercise IP video broadcast from mock scene viewed by multiple agencies in real time. File transfer to and from mock scene from multi-agency portal –Solid infrastructure platform to build interoperability at application layer
Unisys Mobile CommHub – Inventing the Future Compact Lightweight Person-transportable
Unisys Mobile CommHub
Internet EOC Hospital