Authors: Kuang-Yih Yeh Hao-Ching Hsia The Study of Value of Activity Time on Weekdays by Using Activity-Based Approach Authors: Kuang-Yih Yeh Hao-Ching Hsia Hao-Ching Hsia Doctoral Student of National Cheng-Kung University 6/27/2009
Motivation and Purpose(1/2) Efficiency of time utilization and allocation is an essential element for work and life in modern society, however, it seems care and balance of body and mental of a person are the condition more necessary for maintaining health and high working efficiency. In the previous time allocation models, although “time” and “available money” have been considered together, effect of variation between psychological demand and physiological demand on time allocation has been ignored. 2019/5/9
Motivation and Purpose(2/2) Differences of socioeconomic attributes and social role will have influence on time allocation of individuals. Appraisal of individuals including priority or satisfaction also may affect time allocation of individuals. The study suggests subjective attitude of individuals on all kinds of activities and their socioeconomic attributes should be taken into consideration prior to discussing time allocation of individuals. 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(1/10) Study Area :Tainan City Sampling method : Eastern District Middle Western District Southern District Northern District Anping District Annan District. Sampling method : Simple random sampling + systematic sampling Interviewees included members over 15 years old in the households. totally 61 household samples and 127 person samples were obtained in the investigation at last. 74% interviewees are workers. 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(2/10) Interviewees’ Socioeconomic Data Analysis 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(3/10) The items of activity 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(4/10) The study classified six types of activity by reference of definition of psychological nees, including: 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(5/10) The priority order of activity time allocation is [Working Activity] (4.33) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.78) > [Family Care Activity] (3.69) > [Pleasure Activity] (3.26) > [Homemaking Activity] (3.2) > [Socialization Activity] (2.74). 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(6/10) Priority of activity time allocation for male (Table 4) is: [Working Activity] (4.4) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.76) > [Pleasure Activity] (3.50) > [Family Care Activity] (3.35) > [Socialization Activity] (3.09)> [Homemaking Activity] (2.89). The priority for female is: [Working Activity] (4.25) > [Homemaking Activity] (4.02) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.79) > [Homemaking Activity] (3.5) > [Pleasure Activity] (3.02) > [Socialization Activity] (2.41). 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(6/10) Priority of activity time allocation for male (Table 4) is: [Working Activity] (4.4) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.76) > [Pleasure Activity] (3.50) > [Family Care Activity] (3.35) > [Socialization Activity] (3.09)> [Homemaking Activity] (2.89). The priority for female is: [Working Activity] (4.25) > [Homemaking Activity] (4.02) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.79) > [Homemaking Activity] (3.5) > [Pleasure Activity] (3.02) > [Socialization Activity] (2.41). Female would arrange activities concerning family preferentially and defer to arrange personal activities. Female still take the main responsibility of family care and homemaking and male more concentrate on personal activity in Taiwanese society. 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(7/10) Priority for workers less than 30 is: [Working Activity] (4.52) > [Pleasure Activity] (4.03) > [Family Care Activity] (3.55) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.48) > [Socialization Activity] (2.76) > [Homemaking Activity] (2.67). The priority of activity time allocation for workers from 31 to 40 is: [Working Activity] (4.38) > [Physical Care Activity] (3.95) > [Family Care Activity] (3.62) > [Homemaking Activity] (3.26) > [Pleasure Activity] (3.05) > [Socialization Activity] (2.43). The priority of workers from 41 to 50 is same as that of workers above 50: [Working Activity] > [Physical Care Activity] > [Family Care Activity] > [Homemaking Activity] > [Socialization Activity] > [Pleasure Activity]. 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(8/10) Workers less than 30 more will focus on personal pleasure activity and pay less attention to participation in homemaking activity. Priority of activity time allocation for workers from 31 to 40 is significantly different with that of other workers and “family care activity” and ”homemaking activity” are their activities arranged preferentially. Workers from 31 to 40 will allocate time to family care activity at first except time allocated to work when facing care for new-born babies and their growth. 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(9/10) The rank of satisfaction of each activity is: [Family Care Activity] (5.53) > [Physical Care Activity] (5.47) > [Homemaking Activity] (5.34) = [Pleasure Activity] (5.34) > [Socialization Activity] (5.19). 2019/5/9
Survey Summary(10/10) From the aspect of gender, male are most unsatisfied with time allocation for pleasure activity; and female are most unsatisfied with time allocation for socialization activity. The finding reflects female have less time to take part in socialization activity as they have to take more responsibilities of activities related to family. 2019/5/9
Activity Choice Model(1/4) The study assumed travel time could be reduced by “one hour” by implementation of some strategies of transport management; that is interviewees would have one more hour to use, at the same time the study assumed the hour couldn‘t be divided. Then the study asked interviewees what type of activity they would allocate the saved travel time to. 2019/5/9
Activity Choice Model(2/4) Activity time allocation model will be turned into activity choice model. The existing six types of activity were continued to be the alternatives, including: (1) physical care activity (2) homemaking activity (3) family care activity (4) socialization activity (5) working activity (6) pleasure activity Explanatory variables contain three kinds involving: (1) personal attribute variable, such as gender, age and marriage etc.. (2) priority rank of each kind of activity. (3) satisfaction appraisal of each kind of activity. 2019/5/9
Activity Choice Model(3/4) 2019/5/9
Activity Choice Model(4/4) Time allocation of workers may be different due to influence of socioeconomic condition. The priority of activity time allocation would affect time allocation of workers significantly. The priority of different activities will produce different marginal utility. 2019/5/9
Conclusions(1/3) Workers will give priority to “working activity” and allocate time for it at first when they arrange their own time, which reflects the constraint of working on workers. Female still takes the main responsibility of family care and homemaking and male more concentrate on personal activity in Taiwanese society. 2019/5/9
Conclusions(2/3) Priority of activity time allocation for workers from 31 to 40 is significantly different with that of other workers and “family care activity” and ”homemaking activity” are their activities arranged preferentially when facing care for new-born babies and their growth. Effect of gender and age on priority of activity arrangement is also significant, which exhibits expectation on social roles of the social culture to persons with different gender and age. 2019/5/9
Conclusions(3/3) From the activity choice model, we can confirm that Time allocation of workers may be different due to influence of socioeconomic condition. The result proves the relative hypothesis of the study is true, which assumed priority of activity time allocation would affect time allocation of workers significantly This result demonstrates priority of workers has a significant influence on activity time allocation definitely. Furthermore, priority of different activities will produce different marginal utility. 2019/5/9
Thank you for your listening! 2019/5/9