The Amazing Crocodile Aiden. Kirchert
Crocodile Facts There are two types of crocodiles freshwater and saltwater. There are 23 different spices of crocodiles. When hunting only their nose and eyes poke out of water.
Crocodile Habitat They live in west Australia, Africa, Asia and the Americans. Saltwater crocodiles live in the sea, swamps and ponds. Freshwater crocodiles live in any freshwater lakes, ponds and parts of the sea.
Crocodile Behaviors They will eat any animal near. They lay5-70 eggs at a time. They spend most of their time in the water.
Crocodile Looks Crocodiles are long reptiles. Saltwater crocodiles grow up to 15 feet long. Freshwater crocodiles grow up to 9 feet long. They have large mouths with 60 sharp teeth.
Baby Crocodiles They ride in their mothers mouth. They eat bugs. They have week jaws.
Crocodile vs. Alligator Crocodiles Alligators crocodiles are bigger. They have a pointed snout. Alligators teeth stay in their mouth. They have a round snout.
Bibliography Wexo, John B. alligators & crocodiles. Mankato; Creative Education, 1989.Print.