Old Trafford Community Academy Friday 18th May 2018 Attendance Percentages Litter Pick Good 96% & above Satisfactory 90%-95.9% Unsatisfactory Below 90% On Friday the 11th May, Eco and Deputy Eco Committee members worked with John-Paul and Danny from Trafford Council to complete a litter pick of the school grounds and its surrounding area. The litter pick was part of Keep Britain Tidy’s project ‘Great plastic Pickup’ and we managed to fill quite a few bags! CLASS % Nursery 95.0% 1 98.7% 2 96.9% 3 94.8% 4 95.3% 5 6 99.0% 7 96.7% 8 97.1% 9 10 98.3% 11 12 91.1% 13 100% WOW 14 SATS Week 2018 Well done to all the hardworking Year 2 and Year 6 children who have sat their SATS exams this week, and thank you to all the staff who have supported the children. We’ve had a great week and a great start to the day - Year 6 children have had a free breakfast club and Year 2 children have had toast and snacks in class. Tuesday 22nd May Ramadan On Tuesday the 22nd May we will remember those people who were victims of the Manchester Arena Attack with a ‘Community’ themed day in school. There is a day of special activities planned for the children and we would like to invite parents to drop into our café area after 9:30am for a coffee and Manchester bee related craft activity. All parents welcome! Make sure you follow our Twitter account to follow the days events. Ramadan Mubarak to all our children, parents and families who are fasting. Please remember if you child is fasting to send us a note to let us know, and if your child is in Year 4 or below, they will need to go home for the lunch period. Thank you! Thanks to Imran and Hanan for their generous book contribution for our school library! Follow us on twitter: @OTCAcademy Visit us at: oldtraffordcommunityacademy.co.uk