National hospital Preparedness Programs (NHPP) Health care Coalitions January 11, 2016
What is a Health Care Coalition? An HCC is a group of individual health care and response organizations in a defined geographic location. HCCs play a critical role in developing health care delivery system preparedness and response capabilities. While HCCs should have diverse membership, there are four core members that must be present. Community Partners Academic Institutions Non-profits Volunteers Elected Officials Fire Departments Police Departments Long Term Care Skilled Nursing Facilities Hospice Care Hospitals Public Health Departments Outpatient Facilities Primary Care Specialists Health Care Coalition (HCC) Health Centers Rural Health Centers Community Health Centers Local Government Emergency Medical Services Home Health Agencies Emergency Management Agencies Behavioral and Mental Health Centers and Agencies Physicians
HCC Membership is Growing There are 28,055 HCC members nationwide, a 63 percent increase from 2012 (BP1). HCC Core Members The greatest increase in membership has been in skilled nursing facilities and local health departments. Data as of 10/24/2016
Emergency Management Participation in HCCs Enhances Response Capability
Moving From Planning Bodies To Coordinating For Response Percent of HCCs with Operational Capabilities % of HCCs with 8+ HCCDA Factor Scores While a greater number of HCCs are increasing their operational readiness, more than 60% of HCCs do not consider themselves response-ready. The new capabilities are here to guide you as you transition from a planning focus to an operational response focus. Across these HCCDA factors, an increasing number of HCCs have high scores However, in BP4, only 37% of HCCs indicated that they are response ready by rating themselves 8+ across these HCCDA factors
HCC Response Leadership Course Overview Developed by the Division of National Health Care Preparedness Programs (NHPP) and FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP). Held at CDP in Anniston, Alabama. Three day course provides instruction and exercise opportunities to guide coalitions in preparing and responding as a HCC leadership team. Target Audience: Health care leaders, public health leaders, emergency medical service leaders, emergency management professionals and public officials. There will be 27 participants in the class representing three HCCs with 9 participants per HCC. Travel, lodging, and meals will be provided for non-federal participants who are registered through CDP for the course.
HCC Response Leadership Course Dates and Registration Training Week Travel To Anniston Training Return from Anniston Week 18 Monday 30 Jan Tuesday-Thursday Friday 3 Feb Week 21 Tuesday 21 Feb Wednesday-Friday Saturday 25 Feb Week 29 Monday 17 Apr Friday 21 Apr Week 41 Sunday 9 Jul Monday-Wednesday Thursday 13 Jul Week 51 Monday 18 Sep Friday 22 Sep To be considered for a course, please complete a request form (distributed via the HCC Listserv) and send to: You can only apply for the week(s) you indicate on your application – it’s not a blanket application The HPP Weekly contains directions for applying and includes the application as an attachment