Mobile learning with a mobile game Design and motivational effects
Outline Introduction Literature review The mobile learning scenario and system Research design and frame work Results Technical design issues for the MobileGame prototype Discussion of the effects Conclusions and outlook
Abstract Mobile technologies offer the opportunity to embed learning in a natural environment This paper describes the design of the MobileGame prototype, exploring the opportunities to support learning through an orientation game in a university setting
Introduction apply mobile technology to learning Mobilearn project two objectives in this paper to discuss design issues of a mobile game system with a focus on issues specific for mobile learning and the motivational value added by mobile games to present data on the effects of a mobile game on participant motivation and on the features causing those effects
Literature review Lepper and Malone relationship between learning and intrinsic motivation seven key factors for creating an intrinsically motivating instructional environment challenge, curiosity, control, fantasy, cooperation, competition, and recognition computer games raise the efficiency of learning if they increase the intrinsic motivation and link the goals winning the game and learning the material mathematical problem solving is embedded in an artificial game context
Literature review Prensky how do computer games engage players create a fun and engaging game rules, that organize the game goals and objectives, the players strive to achieve outcome and feedback, which measure the progress against the goals conflict, competition, challenge, and opposition, leading to players excitement interaction, the social aspect in the game representation or story, exaggerating interesting aspects of reality
Literature review Mitchell and Savill-Smith it should be possible to use these elements to carefully design and analyze mobile games, but so far this has not been done yet mobile systems integrate playing and learning, focus on role-play or simulation Cooties Game Geney Savannah entertainment, location-based games in a real life environment CYSMN Pirates Mogi develop the location-based learning game MobileGame in 2002
Mobile learning scenario synchronous collaboration orientation rally students play individually or in small groups each group gets different tasks referring to significant places, people and events handheld device shows the current position of the group on the digital map indoor map and outdoor map switch cooperative and competitive game at each location, they have to perform a typical task
Mobile game system All relevant data are stored on the client side Three components mobile client web client server Media and tools Wireless LAN HTTP Ekahau positioning engine
Research design and framework Taylors recommendation first test the usability of the technology, then the pedagogy future development and evaluation process focus on the motivational aspects of the game and its relationship to the usability of the system include the content and systematically test the effects on learning
Research design and framework method of evaluation of the first trial University of Koblenz in October computer science faculty find hidden PDA with the help of the game questionnaire method of evaluation of the second trial Koblenz Campus of the University of Koblenz- Landau in Germany covered two office buildings participants procedure
Discussion framework rules scenario goal solve the tasks, ultimately learn feedback, outcome real time technique five current status conflicts and competition gain points interaction play in group, chat function representation orientation on the digital map, augmentation of reality
Results of the first trial focus on the technology of the first prototype rate 7 technical issues screen size and accuracy of the position scored least they would have liked to have a zoom; auto-scroll and improve the update time of the client
Results of the second trial 17/22 liked it and would play it again the map should be simplified some more intelligence in the task ordering would be desirable catching function varied because of difficulties with imprecise navigation and a somewhat confusing interface chat was rarely or not at all used navigation as a major positive aspect
Technical design issues for the MobileGame prototype accuracy of positioning 3~5m play on move stop-and-go hinders the flow of the game offline areas and response time update every 3s, players could move five or more meters interface design drop-down menus to button bar three kind of input method
Discussion of the effects conflict, competition, challenge, opposition balance the engagement for hunting with the engagement for working on task make the competition for points more visible make the catching itself a learning experience turn off hunting for part of the game in any case, hunting is a surprisingly useful feature to keep participants interested and moving
Discussion of the effects outcome and feedback learning diary goals and objectives primary goal advance learning secondary goal gain as many points as possible task design
Discussion of the effects interaction chat were rarely used, because typing on PDA is too difficult non-verbal interaction representation or story a navigation system is a very powerful tool for situation learning in a natural environment mixed reality augmented physical environment v.s. augmented social environment
Conclusions and outlook Mobile Technology enables immersion into a mixed reality environment and more motivating learning experience Two limitations of current technology the mobile user interface and the accuracy of positioning systems future work the tasks and the accompanying content need carefully designed moving the concept of the MobileGame and the prototype into new domain
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