CRCPD Update Presented to the National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference May 2004
A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Outline Homeland Security and E-6 Committee on Emergency Response Planning NAS, NCRP, IAEA, HPS National Materials Program Exercises HDER ANSI Standards Membership and Annual Meeting 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Homeland Security Created an new Council on Homeland Security Task force for Database Security Task force for Homeland Security Forum at our annual meeting Chair and others have met with DHS senior staff 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 E-6 Activities FRMAC Working Groups DOE Assets-regionalized, Aerial Measurement System State response capabilities Consequence Management Mission Analysis National Radiological Mutual Aid Proposal Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program FEMA Response as well as Preparedness Branches Mike Lowder and Craig Conklin Analysis Work Group Working on identification of radiological analytical resources within states Health & Safety Assessment Monitoring and Sampling Operations Post Emergency State members access to NIST draft standards 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 E-6 Continued HSEEP DHS/FEMA Briefings on CRCPD REP Program Manual Guidance Document Advisory Team on Environment, Food, and Health FRPCC Meetings EPA PAG Revision Workgroup Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Volume II Exercise Evaluation and Improvement—CRCPD facilitated updates to Evaluation Guides to improve response to radioactive material incidents Fast Breaker comments A-Team work with CDC and FDA on operating guidance for team E-6 Chair meets with Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee chaired by FEMA (Craig Conklin) Provides state comments as requested and serves on several subcommittees including instrumentation and protective action guides 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection E-6 Continued Monitored exercises Initial National Response Plan CDC Roundtables on state REP, hospital response, and contaminated bodies 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 NAS, NCRP, IAEA, HPS Briefed NAS KI study committee Provided reviewers for NAS studies Emphasizing NCRP Report 138 Collaborating Organization with NCRP Recognized Non-Governmental Agency by IAEA HPS work with HHS on radiological response Management of Terrorist Events Involving Radioactive Material Web site: Jill Lipoti from New Jersey on Board of Directors Many excellent documents available at and for Nuclear Energy Agency 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
National Materials Program CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 National Materials Program NRC with CRCPD and Organization of Agreement States Joint effort to improve radiation protection Several goals including better source security CRCPD leads team on Industrial Radiography User Certification National Industrial Radiographer Safety Certification Program Pilot Project Two 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 Exercises E-6 Committee and other CRCPD Members participate in and review major exercises TOPOFF material is available to our regulatory members Operation Synergy in California included senior FEMA, DOE/NNSA personnel Increased emphasis on regional exercises and training events to maximize federal participation with states and locals. 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 HDER Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse Program (Office for Domestic Preparedness) State contacts to receive excess federal government radiological response equipment and supplies Working with Health Physics Society, Department of Energy, and Navy $900K of items distributed in pilot Includes training packages for responders Web site: Member of HDER ad-hoc advisory committee Material on HDER on our web site including newsletters 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 ANSI Standards Four new standards dealing with instruments for homeland security N42.32 through N42.35 CRCPD provided some comments on initial drafts Primary effect on industry but purchases with federal funds may require instruments to meet standards. N42.32 is for Alarming Personal Radiation Detectors for Homeland Security N42.33 is for Portable Radiation detection Instrumentation for Homeland Security N42.34 is for Hand-held Instruments for the Detection and Identification of Radionuclides N42.35 is for Radiation Detection Portal Monitors for Use in Homeland Security All are available for a fee from IEEE at Appear to be a “gold” standard. Responders may be quite capable with older or current instruments that do not meet the standard. Standards are quite robust. Industry has begun submitting instruments for testing by DOE laboratories. 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
CRCPD - Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 5/4/2019 Membership CRCPD welcomes your membership as Associate Members if part of a state radiation protection program Affiliate Members if interested in the goals of CRCPD We are a Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Associate membership is currently $40 a year and requires signature by state radiation control program director Affiliate membership is currently $85 a year. All members must be approved by our Board of Directors 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
36th Annual National Conference on Radiation Control May 23-26 Theme: Embracing Change in an Evolving Radiological Protection Environment Bloomington, Minnesota Come Join Us! 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Contact Information Richard Ratliff, Chairperson 512 834-6679 Ronald Fraass, Executive Director 502 227-4543 ext 2222 Steve Woods, Chair E-6 916 449-5697 5/4/2019 A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection