Did You Know? Prolonged stress actually causes your physical DNA strands to shorten and decay. Also, laughing increases your lifespan. So does owning a pet. So does being religious (doesn’t matter what religion).
Stress and Health Unlike many leading killers a century ago, today’s major killers are more lifestyle-related
Life Ain’t About How Hard You Can Hit
What is Stress? General Adaptation Syndrome resistance Phase 1 Alarm reaction (mobilize resources) Phase 2 Resistance (cope with stressor) Phase 3 Exhaustion (reserves depleted) The body’s resistance to stress can only Last so long before exhaustion sets in Stressor occurs General Adaptation Syndrome Selye’s concept of the body’s adaptive response to stress as composed of three stages
How Bad Do You Want It?
Stress and Personality Type A Friedman and Rosenman’s term for people who are competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, anger- prone Type B Friedman and Rosenman’s term for easygoing, relaxed people
You Want Something – Go Get It
Promoting Health Aerobic Exercise Depression score 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Before treatment evaluation After treatment No-treatment group Aerobic exercise Relaxation treatment Aerobic Exercise sustained exercise that increases heart and lung fitness may also alleviate depression and anxiety
The Inches Are All Around Us (mute at 2:46)
Weight Discrimination Willingness to hire scale (from1: definitely not hire to 7: definitely hire) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Women Men Normal Overweight When women applicants were made to look overweight, subjects were less willing to hire
Everybody Was Against You
Level of social support Life events Tendency toward Health Illness Personal appraisal Challenge Threat Personality type Easy going Nondepressed Optimistic Hostile Depressed Pessimistic Personality habits Nonsmoking Regular exercise Good nutrition Smoking Sedentary Poor nutrition Level of social support Close, enduring Lacking
Weight Control Most lost weight is regained Weight change in pounds -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 1 2 3 4 Weight change in pounds Post treatment Years of follow-up Starting point Normal trend for untreated obese people: Gradually rising weight After participation in behavioral Program: Much of initial weight Loss regained Most lost weight is regained