How to study for Technology Some tips on passing the Design and Manufacture exam.
The question paper Always read the question fully and carefully, also study the diagrams, photos and any labels, they are there for a reason. Understand and identify the command words in the question such as: Justify, State, Explain, Describe and make sure you answer the question properly based on these command words. Practice exam style questions – Time yourself.
The command words State : When asked to state, you must give a short factual answer, similar command words requiring a similar response include: name, identify, give or list.
The command words Describe : When asked to describe, imagine you are giving instructions or details to someone else. Your aim is to get them to visualise and understand exactly what you are trying to describe. Don’t just list. When describing , you must provide an account of characteristics, features and facts. Consider Who, What, Where and How to help write your answer – use sketches to help your answer where appropriate.
The command words Explain : When asked to explain, you should start with the facts and reasons. Think about why then consider any details which impact on the answer. Remember to make a clear link to the question and to make relationships between things clear.
Practicing questions Use the SQA website to download past papers time yourself. Once you have answered use the marking instructions also available on the SQA website to check your answers. Create a checklist of topics and traffic light your understanding of these as you mark your paper. Revise your weakest topics and try again. Practice- practice - practice!!!
D&M what you need to know N5
D&M what you need to know Higher
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