Progress on the Bike! Daniel O Connor
I got the Front Suspension and Bushings Made and Welded on.
I Designed my own steering bracket, manufactured it and mounted it.
I Began work on my Tan Cast Tank I had to use 3 different pieces of tan cast glued together as the piece supplied was not big enough!
I am also adding a Tan Cast Fin/Splitter to the front of the bike!
I sourced a small 2 stroke engine from a strimmer I sourced a small 2 stroke engine from a strimmer. I then stripped it and cut a corner off it so that you can see into the inner workings of the engine. This will be a valuable teaching resource in the future!
I designed and made my seat. This will be sprayed cherry red!
I made my brackets to mount my engine using the milling machine!
I made handle bar grips out of nylon!
I made and mounted brackets to mount the rear axel!
I made a former for my rear fender I made a former for my rear fender. I then used this to make the rear fender out of 1.5mm sheet aluminium