The Three Amigos in Career Transition Career Prospectors May 22, 2012 Daniel Steiger Project Manager 804-513-8293
Purpose Background Intent (lessons learned) All about YOU! Opening group/partner exercise One thing you do well One thing you’re wanting to improve
The Three Amigos
Attitude Who defines your attitude? What defines your attitude? Self Others What defines your attitude? Who What Throughout Career Transition (3 areas) Discovery Internalization Application
Attitude: Discovery Hear from Tom Schreiter Exercise assessment Do you generally see yourself and/or do you come across to others as: Positive Negative Demonstrates/illustrates your values/character
Attitude: Discovery Doing vs. Being Unlearn and Learn habits “We need to unlearn the idea that we need to keep busy doing something, and learn instead to keep busy being something.” –Richard Nelson Bolles Friends and family (common shared traits) Discovery process: Reflection, Observation & Collaboration
Attitude: Internalization Becoming confident and content with yourself (a lifelong process) How we get there and enjoy being there- having a relationship with all three amigos Personality types of others (Owl, Lambs, Bulls, and Tigers) How we/others communicate (more on this) Learn/know the vernacular of (industry, field, profession) Know how your attitude matches (or doesn’t)
Attitude: Application The “Value-Exchange” Living within the “who” and without the “what” Fully embrace who you are Allows: Passion and your values/character to prevail Genuine interest in adding value to others Connect with others
Attitude: Application Connecting vs. communicating Everyone Communicates Few Connect – John C. Maxwell Three questions people are asking about you? Do you care about me? Mutual concern creates connection between people. Can you help me? Nobody wants to be sold, but everyone wants to be helped. Can I trust you? Trust is even more important than love. Energy and Attitude (The complete picture- demonstration) Personal branding: why YOU?
Opportunity The time is NOW (set the pace/change the pace) Investigate interests (old/new) Refine skills Empower your strengths (re-focus your lens) Embrace your weaknesses “You’ll never turn your weaknesses into strengths.” “Look at your weaknesses through one of your strengths.” (Marcus Buckingham) Meet-up groups/job clubs/conferences/workshops, etc.
Opportunity Learn: From others How to help others To build rapport quickly (personalities types “colors”) How to communicate effectively by connecting Networking strategies with confidence To slow down: use/lose (what you can within who you ARE)
Organization Let each day be a S.M.A.R.T day S= Specific M= Measureable A= Achievable R= Realistic T= Time sensitive (timeline)
Organization Include balance in your plan Have focus toward a (an): Attitude, Opportunity, and Organization Have focus toward a (an): Situation Task Action Result
Organization Capture/track your journey Spreadsheet Calendar Actions for follow-up, when, how, why. etc.
Summary Let each day be a S.M.A.R.T day! Focused on Attitude, Opportunity, and Organization that is: S= Specific M= Measureable A= Achievable R= Realistic T= Time sensitive (timeline)