Student Planner March 18 Place this in the proper place Monday – notebook grading. Have it ready
Summary: We had a standard opening. We completed Density Lab 2, and read from the textbook. We then worked on chapter 7.1 in the workbook
Saturday school? Make sure you sign in!
Answer the EQ which was: Essential Question Define buoyancy.
Topic/Objective: Name: Buoyancy Class/Period: Date: Mar 18, 2016 Essential Question: An object will float if its weight is equal to WHAT?
a. Students know density is mass per unit volume Science Standard 8 All objects experience a buoyant force when immersed in a fluid. As a basis for understanding this concept: Objective: a. Students know density is mass per unit volume b. Students know how to calculate the density of substances (regular and irregular solids and liquids) from measurements of mass and volume. c. Students know the buoyant force on an object in a fluid is an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid the object has displaced. d. Students know how to predict whether an object will sink or float.
Warm Up
1. The mass = 100 g the volume = 10cm3 – what does the formula 100g/ 10cm3 tell you?
2. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub 2. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub. The object weighs 600kg. Will it float?
3. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub 3. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub. The object weighs 400kg. Will it float?
4. Why does the one object sink when all 3 weigh the same?
1. The mass = 100 g the volume = 10cm3 – what does the formula 100g/ 10cm3 tell you?
1. The mass = 100 g the volume = 10cm3 – what does the formula 100g/ 10cm3 tell you? Density
2. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub 2. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub. The object weighs 600kg. Will it float?
2. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub 2. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub. The object weighs 600kg. Will it float? NO – Buoyant force = 500kg weight = 600kg thus there is -100kg against the buoyant force.
3. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub 3. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub. The object weighs 400kg. Will it float?
3. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub 3. An object displaces 500kg of water when placed into a tub. The object weighs 400kg. Will it float? YES – the buoyant force exceeds the weight by 100kg, so the uplift of buoyancy exceeds the downforce of gravity.
4. Why does the one object sink when all 3 weigh the same?
4. Why does the one object sink when all 3 weigh the same 4. Why does the one object sink when all 3 weigh the same? The others spread their mass over a greater volume, thus increasing their buoyancy. #3 does not.
Homework Make up missing work. Prepare notebook for grading Monday. (Attend Saturday School if needed)
Today’s Work Work in workbook pages 51-53 chapter 7.2 Read chapter 7 section 2 page 168 Workbook pages 47-53 should be completed