Introduction to coding through Kodu How programs work Introduction to coding through Kodu
Objective Learn what it means to program. Demonstrate precise instructions when writing a computer program. Discuss what is included in a world when developing a computer game.
What makes a computer game? Think of your favourite computer game that you plan on a regular basis. It can be a shooting game, app, console or any other type of game. What components make your game extra special? Use your activity sheet and type a list of items which you think make your game extra special (Discuss with the class)
What makes a computer game?
What makes a computer game? A character that reacts in certain ways – I.E – If it touches something. A world in which the character exists. Have you ever played a game with a boring world? Objects that we can interact with. Think about bullets, missiles or even health! Rules – If score is greater than 10, you win!
Hello Kodu! Welcome to Kodu! You’re going to learn a new language which is visual. It is called Kodu! Kodu is the alien like figure you will find when using the software In this lesson we will learn to : Create characters Create a world Create objects Write a piece of code
Computer Programs! The teacher has placed 4 pieces of paper around the room. Random students have been given these pieces of paper. 3 of these pieces of paper have Kodu written on them, one of them does not. Can you give a student instructions to go and collect the objects? Challenge! * Students can interrupt when the instruction is vague*
What have we covered… Computers are ‘stupid’, they need precise instructions If computer programs don’t appear to work, it’s because their instructions aren’t accurate. A set of instructions, given to a computer is called a sequence. You will now learn to ‘tinker’ with Kodu and you will learn how to make a very basic game.
Kodu Time! On your worksheet, you have a number of activities to investigate. You must fill in the boxes to begin with and you’re also required to complete the following tasks in Kodu: *Add in objects *Change objects *Change object settings *Code a character to move when the keyboard is used Once you have completed this, you will have time to change the way the world looks. Video’s will be available online.
Activity Use the computing website and download the worksheet. Answer the questions and print this for your teacher Start producing a blog post, video or poster depending on what your teacher requested. Make sure that you include information from your worksheet and make sure that you show all of your objectives have been met.