PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP : TOLL ROAD DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA Indonesia Toll Road Authority Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Progress of Toll Road Projects Outline Background Policy Framework Government Support Land Acquisition Toll Road Plan 2015-2019 Progress of Toll Road Projects Characteristic of Future Toll Road Project Upcoming Projects Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Background Economic Backdrop Indonesia’s GDP is ranked 16th worldwide* Largest regional economy (33% of ASEAN) Government’s infrastructure plan is a key component of delivering future economic prosperity Road infrastructure is lagging behind others *source : The World Bank Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
National Road Challenges Background National Road Challenges Indonesia is improving High costs of land transport due to poor connectivity, high travel times, chronic road congestion, poor road condition Economic and social prosperity is being inhibited by insufficient road capacity and poor condition Traffic demand is expected to more than double in 15 years, equating to around 5% per annum, so the traffic situation will become worse if no urgent action is taken The immediate challenge is to address the road investment backlog and thereby improve poor connectivity to keep Indonesia moving and to boost the economy GDP per capita represented by size of bubble Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
National Road Challenges Java 2035: No New Projects Background National Road Challenges Traffic conditions on tollroads Traffic conditions on other arterial roads Red indicates roads near/over capacity Source: Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Expressways Constructed National Road Challenges Java 2035 : with Committed Expressways Constructed Background National Road Challenges Traffic conditions on tollroads Traffic conditions on other arterial roads Red indicates roads near/over capacity Source: Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Java 2035 : with Committed and Planned Expressways Constructed Background National Road Challenges Traffic conditions on tollroads A Second Trans-Java Freeway is required Traffic conditions on other arterial roads Red indicates roads near/over capacity Source: Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Backbone Network Schematic National Road Challenges JAVA Backbone Network Schematic Background National Road Challenges Jakarta Merak Cilacap Cirebon Yogyakarta Semarang Banyuwangi Surabaya Bandung Malang Cikampek Tegal Surakarta Bawen Gempol Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Backbone Network Schematic National Road Challenges SUMATERA Backbone Network Schematic Background National Road Challenges Banda Aceh Padang Pekanbaru Bengkulu Jambi Bandar Lampung Palembang Dumai Sibolga Tebing Tinggi Indralaya Bakauheni Medan Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
GOALS DIRECTION Policy Framework MAIN ACTIVITIES Improve Services and Set up Toll Road Industry to support 1.000 km Toll Road Program DIRECTION New PPP Scheme Simplified Procedure Government Support Land Acquisition PPP Scheme Faster Tender Process Variety of Government Support & Guarantee Early and Faster Land Acquisition Process MAIN ACTIVITIES Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Policy Framework New PPP Scheme STRATEGIC DECISION Priority Project Including in master plan ? Project Priority Approval No Yes TRC without Government Support TRC with Government Support Conventional Procurement Economically & Financially Feasible Economically Feasible, financially marginal Economically Feasible, Not Financially Feasible Needed to boost regional development; and Government budget for Toll Road is Limited (based on Government Budget Allocation) No No No Yes Yes Or Yes Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Supported Toll Road (S-BOT) Performance Based Annuity Scheme (PBAS) Construction Contract (e.g: Turnkey &D&B) State Own Enterprise (Due Diligent) Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
DELIVERY OPTIONS : Scheme Selection Policy Framework DELIVERY OPTIONS : Scheme Selection New PPP Scheme BOT SBOT SGM/SOE AP CONVENTIONAL Economically Viable Without Support Reconsider Project Need Acceleration, Support Dev AP Candidate No Yes Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Policy Framework State Guarantee Model (Indonesia Case) Cause of Action Condition Government Regulation 43/2014 about Implementation Regulation for Law 6/2014 about village. President Regulation No. 1002014 about Acceleration for Toll Road Development in Sumatera as last amended by President Regulation No. 117/2015 Financially not feasible APBN is limited Need to be built for regional development Facility Inclusion of State Capital Publication of debt and bond guaranteed by government Assignment 24 Links, 2.800 Km 8 Priority Links: - Medan – Binjai - Palembang – Indralaya - Pekanbaru – Kandis – Dumai - Bakauheni – Terbanggi besar - Terbanggi Besar – Pematang Panggang - Pematang Panggang - Kayuagung - Palembang – Tanjung Api-api - Kisaran – tebing Tinggi Determination of the next priority will be announced by official letter from Ministry of Public Works and Housing Assignment Government Regulation 43/2014 about Implementation Regulation for Law 6/2014 about village. President Regulation No. 1002014 about Acceleration for Toll Road Development in Sumatera as last amended by President Regulation No. 117/2015 Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
HUTAMA KARYA INVESTMENT Policy Framework Funds Needs State Guarantee Model (Indonesia Case) NO LINKS LENGTH INVEST. CONSTRUCTION SUBSIDY HUTAMA KARYA INVESTMENT NEED FULFILLMENT SOURCE OF FUND REMAINING NEEDS KM IDR B EQUITY A FIRST PRIORITY LINKS 1 Medan-Binjai 17 3 - PMN 2015 2 Palembang-Indralaya 22 PMN 2016 Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar 140 9 PMN 2015-2016 & JORR-S OBLIGATION 4 Pekanbaru-Dumai 131 16 11 5&6 Terbanggi Besar - Pematang Panggang - Kayu Agung 185 80 8 105 14 7 BOT WASKITA Tebing Tinggi - Kisaran 60 Palembang-Tanjung Api Api 90 SUBTOTAL 645 82 565 74 43 19 25 B GRADUALLY BUILT Tebing Tinggi-Parapat 98 50 48 Padang - Pekanbaru 240 49 Banda Aceh - Medan 470 56 808 121 758 112 TOTAL 1,453 203 130 1,323 186 Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Source of Funds for Priority Links Policy Framework Source of Funds for Priority Links State Guarantee Model (Indonesia Case) PT. Hutama Karya Investment Needs Net : IDR 74 Trillion Equity Fund Needs : IDR 44 Trillion PMN 2015-2016 : IDR 6 Trillion BOT PT. Waskita Karya : IDR 7 Trillion Corporate Obligation *) : IDR 7 Trillion Corporate MTN **) : IDR 25 Trillion Loan Needs : IDR 30 Trillion Financial Institution Loan***) : IDR 30 Trillion Notes : *) Corporate obligation that paid by JORR-S and guaranteed by government (PMK No.168/2016) **) MTN will be guaranteed by government (PMK No.168/2016) but still needs underlying asset ***) Financial Institution Loan guaranteed by government (Finance Minister Regulation No.253/PMK.08/2015) Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Trans Sumatera Toll Road Concession Scheme Policy Framework Trans Sumatera Toll Road Concession Scheme State Guarantee Model (Indonesia Case) PT HUTAMA KARYA Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Construction Contract Assignment To PT WK Joint Venture Availability Payment Turnkey/ Mod. Turnkey Medan-Binjai Palembang- Indralaya Pekanbaru-Dumai Bakauheni- Terbanggi Besar Terbanggi Besar- Kayuagung Kualatanjung- Parapat 100% 40% Additional Padang- Pekanbaru Medan-Aceh HK JM WTR 30% Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Policy Framework Simplified Procedure Government Support PRIVATE SECTOR GOVERNMENT Policy Framework Project Preparation Simplified Procedure Prepare PQ Document PQ And Bid Invitation Government Support Submit PQ Document Prequalification Of Bidder Pre Bid Conference-bid Preparation Prepare Bid Proposal Guaranteed by IIGF Financing facility from SMI (± 4 months) Submit Bid Proposal & Bid Bond Submission And Opening Bid Receive Notice Award Evaluation Of Bid Simplified Procurement Process Prepare Special Purpose Vehicle Apointment Of Succesful Bidder Sign Contract Performance Bond, Land Acquisition Cost, Financial Close Consession Agreement Contractors and banks early involved (± 2 months) IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGREEMENT
Government Support Type of Guarantee Termination Risk Ramp Up Period Risk Land Fund Risk Tariff Adjustment Risk Political Risk Land Acquisition Risk Risks that will be MPWH‘ responsibility that should be mitigated Exposure Risk The highest risk is Termination Risk (equal to Project Value) Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Government Support Guarantee Transaction Structure Bank (Debt) ( 70% ) Equity ( 30% ) 70% 30% MPWH (via ITRA) Toll Road Company PPP Agreement Toll Tariff User Government & TRC’s responsible Recourse Agreement Guarantee Agreement Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund Budgeting Mechanism Ministry of Finance Guarantee Agreement MPWH Recourse Payment (based on PMK 260/2010) Guarantee Agreement between IIGF and Toll Road Company to guarantee the financial obligation of ITRA – MPWH related to the risk allocation; If ITRA – MPWH cannot fulfill the obligation, IIGF will pay to the TRC based to the claim; The Mechanism will be arranged in Guarantee Agreement. Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Risks were delivered to Toll Road Companies (SOE and Private Entities) Government Support Risk Allocation Law 13/1980 Law 38/2004 BEFORE 2004 GEN 1 (2004 – 2012) GEN 2 (2012 – 2015) GEN 3 (2015 – Present) GEN 4 (Future) Risks mainly taken by PT Jasa Marga (State Own Enterprise) and Private sector Risks were delivered to Toll Road Companies (SOE and Private Entities) Risks are shared between Government and Private Three parties agreement (ITRA, TRC, Lender) Land acquisition is responsibilty of Government Land Revolving Fund and Land Capping Fund Project guaranteed by government through IIGF Land acquisition policy is based on Law 2/2012 Certainty of land acquisition on time frame, cost, and institution Bridging Finance for land acquisition by TRC, repaid by government through LMAN Optimization the guarentee structure Focus on regulation of Minimum Service Standards TYPE OF RISK ALLOCATION TYPE OF RISK ALLOCATION Government TRC Government TRC Land Acquisition Engineering Construction O&M Toll Tariff Traffic Volume Change of Law Force Majeure Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Certainty on Land Acquisition (Law 2/2012) PROJECT INITIATOR Ministry of Public Works and Housing LOCATION PERMIT Governor/ Head of Local Regional THE USER Toll Road Company Parties Involved IMPLEMENTS AGENCY National Land Agency Time Frame Substances Working Days Preparation 242 - 268 Implementation 247 - 251 Handover 33 Total 519 - 549 Amount of Compensation Determined by an Independent Appraiser who obtain a license from Finance Minister and National Land Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Bridging Finance for LA 2016 Land Acquisition Non Trans Jawa (0,884T) Jabodetabek (4,293T) Trans Jawa (5,468T) Sumatera & Others (2,452T) 32,61T Bridging Finance Committed by 28 TRC 13,10 T Paid Amount Cumulative Graph of NTP – Paid Amount Trans Jawa (5,585T) Sumatera & Others (2,868T) Jabodetabek (4,698T) Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Plan-Realization of Bridging Finance for LA 2016 Land Acquisition COMPENSATION COST (IDR BILLION) AREA (HECTARE) UNIT PRICE (IDR THOUSAND/M2) Sumatera (160%) Jabodetabek (376%) NTJ (233%) TJ (129%) 25 Sections Project List 1,669 Ha Total 32 Sections 3,332 Ha 4,141 Ha 3,808 Ha IDR 13,3 Trillion IDR 14,1 Trillion IDR 17,4 Trillion IDR 15,9 Trillion Sumatera (99%) Jabodetabek (86%) NTJ (218%) TJ (67%) (62%) (23%) NTJ (94%) (52%) TJ NTJ Jabodetabek Sumatera - IDR 39 Billion / Km - IDR 26 Billion / Km - IDR 218 Billion / Km - IDR 29 Billion / Km Trans Jawa Non Trans Jawa JABODETABEK Sumatera Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Toll Road Plan 2015 - 2019 Toll Road Development Target (2015- 2019) Estimation of Total Investment (2015-2019) 1.060 Km IDR 167,4 T North Sumatera South Sumatera Lampung West Java Jabodetabek Central Java East Java East Kalimantan North Sulawesi Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Toll Road Operation Plan Toll Road Plan 2015 - 2019 1852 Km 1183 Km 669 Km 568 Km 615 Km 176 Km 132 Km 392 Km 44 Km 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Cumulative Length Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Trans Java Toll Road Progress of Toll Road Projects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Length : 498,23 km Total Investment : IDR 44,19 T Total Land Cost : IDR 7,24 T Total Construction Cost : IDR 26,02 T INFORMATION : Link Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Link Name Pejagan - Pemalang Pemalang - Batang Batang-Semarang Semarang - Solo Solo - Ngawi Ngawi - Kertosono Mojokerto-Jombang-Kertosono Mojokerto - Surabaya Toll Road Company PT Pejagan Pemalang Tol Road PT Pemalang Batang Tol Road PT Jasamarga Semarang Batang PT Transmarga Jateng PT Solo Ngawi Jaya PT Ngawi Kertosono Jaya PT Marga Harjaya Infrastruktur PT Marga Nujayasumo Agung Length (km)/ Total of section 57,50/4 39,20/2 75,00/5 72,64/5 90,10/4 87,02/4 40,50/4 36,27/5 Investment (IDR Trillion) 6,84 4,08 11,05 7,30 5,14 3,83 3,48 3,79 Land Cost (IDR Trillion) /Progress 0,253/86,94% 0.803/52,38% 0,584/46,34% 0,927/94,70% -/98,97% -/90,25% 0,485/100% 0,557/95,40% Construction Cost (IDR Trillion) 3,39 2,27 7,66 3,11**) 3,20 2,36 2,38 1,83 Target Operates 2017 2018 Construction Progress 41,79% (Section I &III) 0,84 2,25 45,51% (Semarang-Bawen Section) Total Gov TRC 77,93% (Bandar-Jombang Section) 70,66% (Section IA & IV) 42,84% 92,23% 36,06%. 37,46% Preparation 20,68% Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Jabodetabek Toll Road Progress of Toll Road Projects MERAK - TANGERANG TELUK NAGA - SEDYATMO KUNCIRAN - SERPONG SERPONG - CINERE ANTASARI - DEPOK CINERE - JAGORAWI CIMANGGIS - CIBITUNG JAKARTA - CIKAMPEK CIBITUNG - CILINCING TJ. PRIOK ACCESS RING ROAD BOGOR PASAR MINGGU RAWA BUAYA TANAH ABANG ULUJAMI TMII KP. MELAYU PULO GEBANG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jabodetabek Toll Road Progress of Toll Road Projects 6 LINKS OF DKI JAKARTA TOLL ROAD 1 3 Number Link Length (Km) Investment (IDR Billion) 1 Semanan - Sunter 20,23 11.060 2 Sunter – Pulo Gebang 9,44 4.918 3 DuriPulo – Kampung Melayu 12,65 8.167 4 Kemayoran – Kampung Melayu 9,60 4.934 5 Ulujami – Tanah Abang 8,70 6.114 6 Pasar Minggu – Casablanca 9,16 5.981 TOTAL 69,77 41.174 4 2 5 6 8 10 INFORMATION : Total Length : 263 Km Total Investment : IDR 78 T Total Land Cost : IDR 14,69 T Total Construction Cost : IDR 38,29 T 9 11 Link Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1-6 10 Link Name Cengkareng – Batu – Ceper – Kunciran Kunciran – Serpong Serpong – Cinere Cinere – Jagorawi Cimanggis – Cibitung Cibitung – Cilincing Depok – Antasari Bekasi – Cawang – Kp. Melayu Bogor Ring Road 6 RuasTol DKI Jakarta Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road Company PT Marga Kunciran Cengkareng PT Marga Trans Nusantara PT Serpong Cinere Jaya PT Translingkar Kita Jaya PT Cimanggis Cibitung Tollways PT MTD CTP Expressway PT Citra Waspphutowa PT Kresna Kusuma Dyandra Marga PT Marga Sarana Jabar PT Jakarta Toll Road Development PT Trnas Bumi Serbaraja Length (km)/Total of Section 14,19/4 11,19/2 10,14/2 14,64/3 25,39/4 34,02/4 21,54/5 21,04/2 11,00/3 69,77/6 30/3 Investment (IDR Trillion) 3.507 2.623 2.219 2.621 4.524 4.22 2.999 7.200 0.983 41.174 6,04 Land Cost (IDR Trillion) /Progres 1,219/ 18,87% 0,989/32,63% 0,712/ 21,64% 0,930/ 63,75% 1,314/ 1,20% 0,288/ 19,92% 0,769/ 31,55% 0,449**/ 66,45% 0,983/ 88,49% 5,28/ 0% 1,75/85% (Seksi I) Construction Cost (IDR Trillion) 1,34 0,76 0,88 1,11 1,61 2,50 1,46 4,78 0,53 20,62 2,70 Target Operates 2019 2018 2021 Construction Progress Land Acquisition 46,51% (Section I & III ) 3,96% 12,89% 39,15% 38,67% (Section I & IIA) Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Trans Sumatera Toll Road Progress of Toll Road Projects Link Number 1 2 3 4 Link Name Bakauheuni – Terbanggi Besar *) Terbanggi Besar – Pematang Panggang-Kayuagung Kayu Agung – Palembang – Betung **) Palembang – Indralaya *) Toll Road Company PT. Hutama Karya PT. HutamaKarya PT Sriwijaya Markmore Persada Length (km) / Total of Section 155/ 3 185 112 / 3 24,5 / 3 Investment (IDR Trillion) 16,80 21,95 14.44 3,30 Land Cost (IDR Billion) /Progres 1.196/ 39,32% - 450/ 76,10% 205/ 91,58% Construction Cost (IDR Trillion) 12.22 16,65 9.84 2.63 Target Operates 2018 2017 Construction Progress 11,603% 33,17% BANDA ACEH MEDAN PEKANBARU PADANG JAMBI PALEMBANG BENGKULU LAMPUNG LHOKSEUMAWE LANGSA TEBINGTINGGI P. SIANTAR KISARAN BALIGE SIBOLGA RT. PRAPAT BANGKINANG BK. TINGGI PANGKALAN KERINCI RENGAT BETUNG PRABUMULIH MUARAENIM LAHA LB. LINGGAU CURUP KAYUAGUNG BAKAUHUNI SIGLI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Link Number 5 6 7 8 9 Link Name Palembang-Tanjung Api Api*) Pekanbaru – Kandis – Dumai *) Kisaran – Tebing Tinggi*) Medan – Kualanamu – Tebing Tinggi Medan – Binjai *) Toll Road Company PT. Hutama Karya PT. Jasamarga Kualanamu Toll Length (km) / Total of Section 70 135 /- 60 62 / 5 17/ 3 Investment (IDR Trillion) 10 17,347 8,7 4,072 1.604 Land Cost (IDR Billion) /Progres 974/ 22,71% 442 441/ 85,63% 495/ 84,88% Construction Cost (IDR Billion) 9,532 - 1,759 1,294 Target Operates 2019 2017 2018 Construction Progress 0,48% 45,32% 31,89% INFORMATION : Total Length : 820 Km Total Investment : IDR 100 T *) Assignment for PT Hutama Karya **) Unsolicited Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Non Trans Java Toll Road Progress of Toll Road Projects 1 2 3 4 5 6 INFORMATION : Total Length : 325,09 Km Total Investment : IDR 47,78 T Total Construction Cost : IDR 26,145 T Link Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Link Name Ciawi - Sukabumi Gempol – Pasuruan Pasuruan – Probolinggo Waru (Aloha) – Wonokromo – Tj. Perak Pasirkoja-Soreang Pandaan-Malang Balikpapan-Samarinda Manado-Bitung Toll Road Company PT Trans Jabar Tol PT Trans Marga Jatim Pasuruan PT Transjawa Paspro Jalan Tol PT Margaraya Jawa Tol PT Citra Marga Lintas Jabar PT Jasamarga Pandaan-Malang PT Jasamarga Balikpapan Samarinda PT Jasamarga Manado-Bitung Length (km)/ Total of Section 54,00/4 34,15/3 31,30/3 18,20/4 10,57/3 37,62/5 99,35/5 39,90/2 Investment (IDR Trillion) 7,775 2,769 3,551 11,111 1,510 5,97 9,97 5,12 Land Cost (IDR Trillion) /Progres 0,824/ 26,60% 0,256/ 67,62% 0,216/ 11,04% 1,425/ 0% -/ 96,46% 1,35/39,20% 1,91/79,69% 1,20/34,31% Construction Cost (IDR Trillion) 4,17 1,68 1,56 3,97 1,145 3,81 6,54 3,27 Target Operates 2019 2018 > 2019 2016 Construction Progress 3,56% 38,71% Land Acquisition 50,99% Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Characteristic of Future Toll Road Project 1. Land Acquisition as important factor 2. Marginal feasibility for next project, will be tendered in next 1-2 year (low traffic volume) 4. Huge investment cost meanwhile domestic financing capacity is limited Domestic investor project : Jasa Marga: 1,100 km Waskita Karya: 428 km CMNP: 55 km Astra Group: 113 km UEM Group: 116 km Almost all of their capacity is used (ability to get financing from bank is limited by legal lending limit) 3. Cash deficiency on initial period of operation (mismatch financing) Necessity : 1. Bigger Government Support 2. Preparation project document that are more bankable 3. New project scheme to attract investor Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Land Cost (IDR Trillion) Upcoming Project 3 4 6 8 1 7 5 2 Link Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Link Name Semarang-Demak Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Akses Tanjung Priok Jakarta Cikampek 2 Selatan* Jembatan Suramadu Cileunyi-Tasik-Cilacap*) Cilacap-Jogja-Solo*) Tegal-Cilacap*) Length (km) 25,25 172,91 22,8 64 5,40 183 237 93 Investment Cost (IDR Trillion) 7,71 15,92 6.27 17.77 NA 35,03 45,37 Land Cost (IDR Trillion) - 3.07 0,59 0,77 Construction Cost 5,17 8,56 7.76 20,95 27,14 Scheme SBOT OMT BOT Status Pre-qualification Tender Preparation Initiation *) unsolicited project Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Closing Statement Lesson Learned Invest on Indonesia Toll Roads Consistent Planning in PPP project preparation by considering proper risk allocation between both parties, and providing government support and guarantee to escalate project viability Collaborated Public Private Partnership in delivering project, i.e. Land Fund in coping with government’s budget constraints Innovation in achieving solution and project continuity to make more deliverable and viable project Focus on target by undertaking tight monitoring in project preparation and construction Invest on Indonesia Toll Roads Regulations and government commitment in supporting PPP implementation 8 project to be delivered Indonesia Toll Road Authority, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Indonesia Toll Road Authority Ministry of Public Works and Housing LET’S INVEST ! INVESTMENT DIVISION Indonesia Toll Road Authority Ministry of Public Works and Housing Gedung Bina Marga Lantai 3 Jl. Pattimura No 20 Kebayoran Baru-Jakarta Selatan 12110 Telp (021) 7258063/ 7257067 Fax (021) 7257126/ 7254415
Indonesia Toll Road Authority Ministry of Public Works and Housing THANK YOU Indonesia Toll Road Authority Ministry of Public Works and Housing