Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, July 11, 2010 Title Page Below are some simple instructions on how to use this template: 1. You can change the text in the graphical screen above or in the outline area to the left. 2. There is one default background that is indicated by “--------” .This slide acts as a space or a blank screen, use to clear or blank the screen. If you have a large graphic such as a map you could also use this screen. If you insert a new slide you will get this default background. 3. The first five slides have the other backgrounds for the set. To use more than one of these background types in your presentation highlight the one you wish to use and choose copy from the edit menu. Paste this slide where you want it to appear in your presentation, then change the text on this new slide. By copy/pasting the slide in this manor you will keep the background, text formatting and the customized animation from that slide. By using the copy/paste method you find it saves you time and keeps a consistent look through out your presentation. 4.There are a few additional notes written in the slide text wording that may be helpful. Note: We are working on a website that in the future will provide help topics on using sermon outlines in PowerPoint as well as provide sermon templates similar to this one. Check for more information.
John 15:12-13 A Relaxed Mental Attitude creates capacity for Impersonal Love!
Doctrine of Relaxed Mental Attitude (RMA) Part 6
Edification Complex of the Soul + Happiness of God 3 Categories of Love (God, Right Man/Woman, Mankind) Relaxed Mental Attitude Mastery, Details of Life Doctrinal Orientation Human Spirit
Having a RMA means that: a. You overcome fear b. You love yourself c Having a RMA means that: a. You overcome fear b. You love yourself c. You have a mental attitude love towards others d. You are content in all areas of your life
C. Inner beauty is a Relaxed Mental Attitude, 1 Tim 2:9‑15; 1 Peter 3:1-6.
In 1 Tim 2:15, Love is AGAPE, a mental attitude in the soul In 1 Tim 2:15, Love is AGAPE, a mental attitude in the soul. Your ability to love is the capacity of the right lobe of the heart. 1 Cor 13:4-7
“With self restraint” - SOPHROSUNE = “soundness of mind, self-control, stability of mind, or with stability of mentality” referring to having a RMA within your soul.
There are two viewpoints in mental attitude:
1. Human viewpoint, which is an expression of cosmic thinking from cosmic norms and standards: the influence of evil. Rom 12:2; Col 3:2
2. Divine Viewpoint which is viewpoint derived from God’s Word resident in your soul. 1 Cor 2:16; 2 Cor 10:3-6; Phil 2:5
Phil 2:5, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.”
Every believer faces the inner conflict of Divine versus human viewpoint. This is a part of the spiritual struggle on this earth. Isa 55:6-9
The more Bible doctrine you have the more this conflict exists and the greater the inner struggle. But Bible doctrine will inevitably triumph in the faithful believer.
1 Peter 3:4, “gentle”, PRAUS = “gentle or humble” which refers to a mental attitude humility: Grace Orientation that leads to a Relaxed Mental Attitude (RMA).
“Quiet” means “tranquil”, HESUCHIOS = “free of any disturbance or commotion, free from or showing no signs of anxiety or agitation.”
Part of this tranquility is freedom from pride, bitterness, jealousy, vindictiveness, implacability or hatred, the things that destroy capacity for love.
Prov 15:13, “A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.”
Grace Offering
Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, July 11, 2010 Tape # 10-078 Impersonal Love Motivates Divine Good Production Upper Room Discourse, Part 391 John 15:12-13; Psa 3:1-8; 56:1-4; 1 John 4:16-21 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010