What is a Myth? A Myth is traditional story that explains some natural or social event. It typically involves supernatural beings or events, and isn’t considered “real” by the people who tell the story. They are typically used to teach a lesson to those that hear it. This could include characters that have supernatural abilities, or the appearance of a god.
Theme Universal Message a message about life or human nature that a writer shares with the reader. Universal Message theme of a story is not just what the story is about; it’s the message. “The Flight of Icarus” is about: A man and his son attempt to escape from an island by flying. Theme of “The Flight of Icarus:” Practice moderation; do not aspire to be like the gods. (Don’t fly too close to the sun -Don’t be overconfident and reckless. Not knowing your limits.)
Determine the theme What do the characters want? What do they do to reach that goal? How well do they succeed at reaching their goal? Why? What lesson can you learn?
Arachne -Close Reader page 17-22 (10 minutes) pay attention to the theme and to how the elements of the myth interact.