Doing Business with the University of Georgia UGA Procurement
Doing Business with the University of Georgia This presentation is a very brief and general overview of Purchasing at UGA. Procurement Common Types of Purchasing Purchase Methods Public Works (Construction and Public Works Services) Federal Research Subcontracting Opportunities Contact Information, Links, and Questions
UGA Procurement Office Procurement roles include: Reviewing and approving department’s individual purchase requests Continually updating processes and workflows to match ever-changing regulations Establishing and managing short- and long-term contracts Maintaining and updating purchasing e-systems and logistics Resource for the vendor community Governing Entities and Guiding Practices (a few of them) Federal and State Laws and Guidelines State of Georgia Board of Regents (BOR) Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Georgia State Purchasing Division (SPD) University policies; UGA Office of Legal Affairs Best business practices
Common Types of UGA Purchases Contract purchases By Utilizing State-wide Contracts Usually set up the Georgia Department of Administrative Services, State Purchasing Division “Mandatory” vs. “Convenience” By Utilizing Agency Contracts Also known as “Entity Contracts” Set up by UGA via a competitive process or other purchasing method. Consortia/Cooperative Contract Purchases Less common than contract purchases or open-market purchases Use of these types of contracts is still regulated by State Purchasing Division (DOAS)
Common Types of UGA Purchases Open Market Purchases Current State of Georgia Bid Threshold: $25,000 Competitive Purchases under $25,000 Departments are encouraged to seek quotes/competition Informal or formal bidding Competitive Solicitations Request for Quotes (RFQs) are the most common solicitation Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Competitive Solicitations & Submitting Bids UGA mainly utilizes JAGGER (formerly SciQuest) Sourcing Director to post and manage most public solicitations. Vendors will need to register to submit a bid/quote, but do not need to be registered to view active solicitations. Notice of the bids will also be posted to the Georgia Procurement Registry (GPR). Vendors need to register on the Team Georgia Marketplace (TGM) site to be notified of bids on the GPR. TGM is used by other State Entities more so than at UGA. Notice is based on an NIGP code, a commodity code that categorizes the item/service being procured Registered vendors will also be notified of UGA and other State Entities postings
Sourcing Director
Georgia Procurement Registry
Team Georgia Marketplace
Purchase Methods Purchase Order Alternative Methods The most typical document sent from Procurement PO number will begin with an “E” (i.e. “E123456”) Once items/services are delivered and received, invoice can be sent to Accounts Payable ( listing the applicable PO number on the invoice. UGA prefers payment terms of Net 30 days, to give ample time for the receiving of an item, and any further payment approvals. UGA prefers shipping terms of FOB Destination. Alternative Methods Some departments have access to a Purchasing Card (P-Card) which can be used for some low- dollar purchases. For some types of purchases, some departments may purchase services without needing a Purchase Order; usually low-dollar purchases.
Purchase Order f
Forms and Documents There are many documents that Procurement is required to obtain from a vendor at the time of a specific purchase. Common examples include: E-verify Affidavit Georgia law requires UGA to only do business with vendors who are registered with the Federal E- verify System; for services $2,500 or greater. Federal Debarment Form Required for federally funded purchases Tax Compliance Form Original Equipment Manufacturer Letters Sole Source Letters
Action: Where do I Start? Register at the appropriate sites, depending on your business type and scope. (GPR, Sourcing Director, UGA Vendor Profile, etc.) Reaching out to departments on campus UGA Department websites Respectful and un-pressured communication. If they have questions on the purchase process, direct them to contact Procurement. Provide quotes when asked by departments.
Doing Business with the University of Georgia Public Works: Construction and Public Works Services UGA Procurement
What are Public Works? Public works are defined as contracts to be performed on public property of the state and involve a fixed asset. They include a broad range of activities such as repair, maintenance, design, and consulting. Public works include building, altering, repairing, improving, or demolishing a public structure or building or other public improvements of any kind to public real property.
Public Works, General Information Purchased in accordance with the Board of Regents policies. Work closely with the UGA Office of University Architects and the UGA Facilities Maintenance Division. GPR and Sourcing Director are used Purchasing thresholds Purchases under $50,000 do not require a public bid posting. Departments may request price quotes/estimates. Competitive sealed bids are required at $50,000 and above. Public advertised and opened bids are required at $100,000 and above.
Public Works, Insurance and Bonds A certificate of insurance (COI) is required on all public works projects valued at $10,000 and above. Each project may have differing insurance requirements based on type and value. This should be explained in the solicitation documents if applicable. Bonds Bid bonds may be required if the estimated price is $100,000 or greater. Performance and Payment Bonds are required if the estimated value is $100,000 or greater, and in the amount of 100% of the contract value for construction projects.
Public Works, Solicitations and Bids Construction bids valued at $100,000 or greater require posting to the GPR. Bids valued at $50,000-$99,999.99 may be posted to the GPR. Notification may be made via advertisement in Athens Banner Herald or applicable local newspaper if job is outside of Athens. Direct questions to the Procurement staff member assigned to the project. You may also use the main Procurement phone number (706-542-2361) or email (
Doing Business with the University of Georgia Federal Research Subcontracting Opportunities Ernest Webster, Business Development Coordinator UGA Procurement
Federal Research Subcontracting Opportunities Specific Federal Research Subcontracting awards are available to small businesses for: Professional Consultants Scientific Consultants Lab Supplies Information Technology Travel To be eligible for these opportunities, the vendor must be certified and registered as a Small Business in the Federal System for Award Management (SAM) program.
Federal Research Subcontracting Opportunities Subsections of the Small Business Classification include: Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Alaska Native Corporations and Indian Tribes (ANCs) Not certified as a SDB and may be a large business
Helpful Links UGA Procurement UGA Vendor Profile UGA Vendor Profile JAGGER Sourcing Director: Department of Administrative Services and State Purchasing Div. Georgia Procurement Registry (GPR) Team Georgia Marketplace (TGM)
Doing Business with the University of Georgia Procurement Contacts: Main Office Phone (706)542-2361 Christy Bailey, Senior Procurement Specialist - Deanna Wang, Senior Procurement Specialist - Jessica Beri, Assistant Procurement Officer - Claire Boyd, Assistant Procurement Officer – Ernest Webster, Business Development Coordinator - Annette Evans, Procurement Officer