The others’ latest result about SUSY search with same-sign dimuon Zang Jingjing
Three main topics about leptonic SUSY search Muon+Jets+MET (Nmuon>=1) OS dimuons+Jets+MET ( it can measure the end point in inv. mass of two muons) SS dimuons+Jets+MET
Supersymmetry events simulation LM1 point is chosen for selection optimization
SM backgrounds Multi-jets QCD (no Feynman diagram with similar final states, but large cross section events 10 fb-1 21 pt bins) Top pair (most important background events 6.9pb-1 ) Single W and Z ( 10 pb-1 20 pt bins ) Diboson(WW, ZZ,WZ)+jets( events: 10 pb-1 )
Cuts optimization 10 pb-1 background events, only 1.5±0.3 events remained, and comes solely from ttbar production.
Systematic uncertainties
Result Optimized cuts are used in a scan across the (m0m1/2)plane. The reuslt show 5σ reach contour with several integrated luminosities .
Following is their recent work Above is the others’ work about 2 years ago Following is their recent work
Now what?- Adding electrons!
What if we adding electron Fake rate for electrons is HUGE(in comparsion to that of muons) - But if we manage to clean them… we could gain factor of 3-4 in statistics! What about taus? - if we can do that – it would be even better, and will gain even larger factor. BUT: RECO efficiencies and all that are worse for electrons and taus. More? – Unfortunately ( it looks like ) we have only 3 generations…
So: electrons A detailed investigation of electrons - Used most up-to-data electron ID variables, sigma(iEta,iEta)included - Used robust electron classes and robust electron ID variables recommended by Egamma experts for early data analyses - before even new “default recommended” cut sets prepared by Egamma group, they devised a set of electron ID cuts with all new variables. Which kind of cut? They didn’t mentioned
How many fake electrons are out there? Normalized to number of MC-truth electrons:
There maybe more background we didn’t considered. My work plan Background list Multi-jets QCD Top pair Single W and Z Diboson(WW, ZZ,WZ)+jets There maybe more background we didn’t considered.