What is sexual assault? Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attentions. It only.


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Presentation transcript:

Sexual Harassment & Assault… it’s illegal and there are laws to protect your rights!

What is sexual assault? Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attentions. It only has to happen once. Some examples are: Voyeurism:watching sexual acts Exhibitionism: exposing yourself publicly Sexual Harassment

What is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment refers to any UNWANTED and REPEATED attention that is sexual in nature. Legally it is “conduct that has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment.

4 Types of Sexual Harassment Verbal Sexual jokes, rumors, name calling, threats, harassing phone calls, pressuring someone into sexual acts Non-Verbal Displaying of sexual pictures/photos, obscene gestures, body language, whistling Written Sexual graffiti, notes, email, facebook Physical Forced sexual conduct-grabbing, pinching, fondling, cornering etc.

Why do people do it? Peer pressure They don’t know its inappropriate They think it’s funny They could have been a victim in the past (psychological issues) Control

What’s the big deal Sexual harassment isn’t just embarrassing; it can hurt students: Health Self esteem Grades Desire to go to work/school Depression Psychological/physical issues Examples in the news..

Who is at risk? While anyone can be a victim of sexual assault, females between the ages of 15 and 24 are the highest risk of being assaulted by someone they know. “SUBMISSION DOES NOT EQUAL CONSENT”

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO …say no to sexual advances …dress as you please …be treated with respect at all times …agree to have sex and change your mind at any time …agree to sexual activity without agreeing to sex

Understanding Intimate Violence Whether you are a survivor or know someone close to you who has been raped, all of us have been in contact with someone who has been sexually abused, even if they choose not to tell us about the crime. This is an alarming fact that we hope to lessen through preventative education.

Definitions Consent: this means to agree or give permission. There are 3 times a person cannot consent even if they want to. They are: 1. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs 2. If you are under the age of 16 (age differs from state to state) 3. If you are developmentally delayed or unconscious Sexual Assault One can be legally charged with sexual assault in some degree (1-4) if there is non-consensual sexual contact of any sort

Definitions Continued.. Child Sexual Assault (CSA): Is when a child under the age of 18 is forced, tricked or intimidated by an adult into any kind of sexual activity. Incest: When the offender is a family member Rape: is any type of forced penetration. It is NOT a crime of passion; it is one of power and control that involves any kinds of force including, but not limited to threats and intimidation.

Definitions Continued.. Acquaintance/Date Rape: is the most common type of rape. It is a social term that means forced sexual intercourse by someone the victim knows Legal age of consent in CT is 16 Statutory Rape: Is legally defined as sexual intercourse with someone below the legal age of consent even if: Consent was given There was no resistance It was mutually participated

Date Rape A person can be a victim of date rape if slipped certain drugs that are used to incapacitate a victim to a level where the perpetrator is able to assault him/her without resistance. Date rape drugs are usually odorless, colorless, and tasteless. They generally last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour Many date rape drugs are homemade and sometimes administered in lethal dosages. Usually they are slipped in to a drink.

These drugs are used on both men and women These drugs can make you become weak and confused--or may even make you pass out. This leaves unable to defend yourself against any unwanted sexual contact These drugs are used on both men and women The are also called “club drugs” because they tend to be used at dance clubs, concerts, raves, etc The 3 most popular date rape drugs being used are: Rohypnol GHB- gamma hydroxybutyric Ketamine

Decrease your chances of becoming a victim of date rape drugs by: If you can’t pour your own drink, watch the person pouring it Don’t accept open cans or drinks made previously Don’t leave your drink unattended Use the “buddy system” and stay with your friend if at a party or new location If you think your friend seems unusually intoxicated while drinking alcohol, get them to the hospital to be tested for date rape drugs.

Some Statistics 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will be sexually assaulted before their 16th birthday Sexual offenders are not usually strangers; approximately 86% of victims know their offender 1/2 of victims are assaulted in their home or in the offender’s home In more than 1/4 of all cases, offenders repeat their behaviors

Myth: Only females can be raped Without some type of help- counseling, psychotherapy etc,- a victim of sexual abuse tends to become a victim for life of emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, etc. Myth: Only females can be raped Myth: When someone says “no” they mean “yes” Fact: Any “no” whether it’s verbal or expressed through body language MUST be respected. If you are unsure just ask! Myth: Victims who don’t physically resist rape secretly enjoy it Fact: During rape, most fear for their lives and make the best decisions they can in order to stay alive.

Speak Up 41% of sexual assault victims don’t report the crime 60% of rape victims don’t report the crime. Often survivors don’t speak out because embarrassment or they feel they will be blamed. People SHOULD speak out because: It will begin the healing process Declares violent disrespect as unacceptable Decreases offender’s chance of victimizing another person Decrease feeling of isolation for all survivors Raise awareness that sexual violence as all-too-common occurrence

If you’ve been assaulted Talk to someone you trust Remember there is no right or wrong way to react, and you may be feeling anger, confusion, frustration and/or guilt. Talking to someone such as a friend, family member, teacher, or counselor can help. Talking through your feelings can make this difficult time in your life easier to handle. Report the incident right away to the police. If at school go to an authority figure. Get medical attention as soon as possible--within 24 hours is best.

Seek Medical Attention If you wish to have an evidence collection exam done, do not shower or change the clothes you are wearing after the assault. Hospital personnel can give you information and options for treatment for possible pregnancy and or STD’s. Never forget IT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT if you’re a victim No matter how much he/she drank, what he/she wore, or where he/she went

Reduce my risk? Be aware the more that you drink or take drugs, the less capable you are to judge possibly dangerous situations. Do not take rides, leave parties, or go on dates alone with people you do not know. If you are with someone you do not know, let someone know where and with whom you are going; have them check on you periodically Be aware of a person who insists the two of you should be alone and/or someone who pressures you to use drugs or alcohol.