Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❶ What does this mean? It is centered in Jesus (Heb. 3:1). ✴ confession ⤋ an admission or acknowledgment a binding agreement
Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❶ What does this mean? It is centered in Jesus (Heb. 3:1). ✴ hold fast ⤋ to lay hold of something to cling to tenaciously
Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❶ What does this mean? To cling tightly to the acknowledgment we made of our faith in Jesus, and endure whatever is necessary in sticking by the agreement we made to live for Him, and as He directs.
Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❷ Why we should do this. ✔ Because of Jesus’ superiority. ✔ Because of what Jesus accomplished for us - PROPITIATION !!!
Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❷ Why we should do this. ✔ Because of how Jesus accomplished this. ✔ Because of the blessings Jesus has brought to us.
Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❸ How this helps us to be faithful. ✔ It should give us the desire to want to learn more about Jesus and His will. ✔ It should cause us to think more about Jesus and His will.
Hold Fast Our Confession Hebrews 4:14; 10:23 ❸ How this helps us to be faithful. ✔ It should increase our love for God for what He has done for us through Jesus. ✔ It should keep us aware that to deny Jesus is fatal.