utopia, and Socialism introduced during the I.R? New Ways of Thinking Lecture 3 Standard 10.3.6 EQ~ Why were communism, utopia, and Socialism introduced during the I.R?
Population BOOM Thomas Malthus~ British economist Saw effects of population explosion Crowded slums, hungry families, unemployment, widespread misery Said poor people should have less children “The power of population is far greater than the power of the Earth to produce subsistence for man.”
“The power of population is far greater than the power of the Earth to produce subsistence for man.”
Capitalism~ Free Market Adam Smith~ Scottish economist Laissez-Faire Economics~ hands-off Little gov. involvement in business Unregulated exchange of goods would help all, not just R$CH “Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this – no dog exchanges bones with another”
Utilitarianism for Limited Government Jeremy Bentham Goal of Society: “Greatest good for the Greatest #” Meaning~ the accumulation of wealth in few hands is immoral John Stuart Mill Wanted government to help improve the lives of the working class Advocated the right to vote for workers and women
Socialist Thought Emerges Socialism: People as a whole (not individuals) own and operate the means of production Farms, Factories, Railways, etc… Robert Owen Utopian no difference between the rich & poor No social structure = no fighting
Communism Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels ~ German Philosophers Despised capitalism Wrote~ Communist Manifesto Communism: A form of socialism in which inevitable struggle between social classes, proletariat (peasants) vs. the Bourgeoisie, would lead to the creation of a classless society economic inequity (inequality) is the driving force of history
Karl Marxism in the Future Germany 1860’s Social Democracy: Gradual Transition from capitalism to socialism Russian Revolution 1917 Set up communist-inspired government under Lenin then Stalin “Workers are exploited by the greed of their employers” Karl Marx
Why??? Creation of Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism Are do to the hardships bought about during the Industrial Revolution.
Vocabulary 170-188 Or Lecture Industrial Revolution Factors of Production (lec) Urbanization Entrepreneur Tenement Labor union Communism Means of production