Marine Strategy Framework Directive Contaminants Implementation of descriptors 8 + 9 Coordination MSFD – WFD 14.10.2013, WFD WG chemicals, Bruxelles, Georg Hanke
Descriptor 8 Descriptor 9 Concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Descriptor 9 Contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards.
Coherence within European Seas Need to provide equal protection to all European waters Ensure coherence of approaches within and between Regions through MSFD + WFD
Follow-up of Eutrophicaton + Contaminant workshop (24.-25.10.2012) The workshop identified gaps and issues regarding the implementation of MSFD Descriptors 5, 8 and 9. Next steps and ways forward were identified and discussed See presentation during WFD WG E meeting 22.4.2013
MSFD Initial Assessment (Articles 8,9,10) First MSFD reporting round is concluded ! Analysis of outcome is ongoing Implications: Need for coordination (regional/EU) Need for harmonization Need for further development MSFD – WFD coherence
Roadmap for MSFD D8/D9 implementation Coordination MSFD + WFD (+ Food + Chemicals Directives) Avoid duplication of efforts/use of synergies Availabilty of guidance under MSFD, WFD + RSCs Marine specific issues (deep/open sea, acute pollution, etc.) Analysis of needs Planning of activities Network of specific MSFD + WFD (+ food safety) experts
MSFD Guidance for monitoring Current items: MSFD Guidance for monitoring Guidance document being finalized in MSFD CIS Overarching principles Chapters for MSFD Descriptors (also D8+D9) WFD report on effect based monitoring Ensure WFD + MSFD relevance Inclusion of marine specific sheets
WFD/MSFD Biota monitoring guidance: Inclusion of specific marine issues, e.g.: Species selection (including top predators) Link to fisheries Sampling areas/traceability Deep/Open sea Links between matrices Technicalities of marine sampling + analysis Use of emerging techniques QA/QC Seafood Interaction with research projects ...
Review of MSFD COM DEC 2010/477/EC MSFD Com Dec 2010/477 provides specific indicators for MSFD Descriptors 2013 - 2014 Review process within MSFD CIS 2015 Revision 2016 Revised Commission Decision Process prepared by MSFD GES drafting group, agreed by GES group, coordinated by MSFD core group Role of WFD WG chemicals?