Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Water Two approaches: Bottom up: from focus groups and in-depth interviews. Goals: To approximate farmers’ beliefs on CC/CV as relates to impacts adaptation and vulnerability. To present to and validate with farmers the results of the bio-physical impact assessment. To present and to validate with farmers adaptive capacity assessment results. To understand how social representations, rites, myths and customs mediate with farmers’ adaptive capacity to climate.
Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Water Top down: analytical and methodological framework. Goals: To frame our activities towards vulnerability assessment within a notion of sustainability. To determine how vulnerability, adaptive capacity and impacts relate to each other from a conceptual point of view. To classify the farm level and institutional data in terms of our definitions and attributes of vulnerability, adaptive capacity and impacts. On the basis of this classification, evaluate general social vulnerability and adaptative capacity. To determine a set of indicators that can be workable from survey’s information, among others.
where: i = 1, 2,...,n and represents specific climatic events. Assessing Agricultural Producers’ Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Change: an Analytical Methodological Framework based on the Notion of Sustainability. The Vulnerability Function where: i = 1, 2,...,n and represents specific climatic events. j = 1, 2,..,m and represents different type of producers. k = 1,2,...,w and represents particular geographical zones to be considered. c = whether an agricultural productive unit or an agricultural producer’s livelihood