The Young Invincibles Health Care Finder Mobile App What You Need to
Agenda What is Mobile Technology? Why is Mobile Technology Important? The Young Invincibles Health Care Finder Mobile App Next Steps for the Mobile App
What is Mobile Technology? Mobile Technology describes cellular communication technologies, including: Text Messaging Services Mobile Websites Mobile Applications Mobile Technology is easy to use and access to the Internet is always at ones fingertips All the information is in one place Gaming Entertainment Social Media & Internet Financial & Billing
Why is Mobile Technology Important? 31% of smartphone users use their phone as their primary source of Internet 80% of these smartphone users are young adults (18- 29) 64% of these are African Americans 60% of these are Latinos 52% of smartphone users utilize their phones to find health information Of these, the following groups are more likely to access health information from their smartphones: Latinos and African Americans Users between years Users who hold a college degree There are million smartphone users in the United States
Mobile Technology for Health Mobile Technology can be used for outreach and education Examples: Text4Baby Text message service - Information on pregnancy and childcare Over 500,000 have used the service since it launched Get Yourself Tested Campaign targeting teenagers and young adults, encouraging them to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases and infections In participating small clinics, STD testing increased by 71 percent from 2008 to 2010
Theres an app for that: Health Care Finder Young Invincibles has developed a free health care education mobile app, Health Care Finder to easily disseminate health information to young adults. Currently have 4 versions: USA Los Angeles DC Metro Area Mississippi
Find A Doctor Find doctors and Community Health Centers in your area Search by location with GPS or zip code Search by name or category Shows user ratings of doctors in the area The app is integrated with Yelp, which allows users to view ratings from others in the area Yelp
Healthcare FAQ Information on some of the most frequently asked questions: Understanding health insurance options Birth control information Student health plans Coverage under your parents plan Insurance for chronic conditions Explanation of the New Health Care Law Affordable Care Act (ACA) Definitions of common health insurance terms Co-Pay; Deductible; Premium
How do I find the app??? For iPhone Users: Visit the Apple Store For Android Users: Visit the Google Play Store Visit the Google Play Store
Next Steps for Young Invincibles! Young Invincibles is engaging in efforts to learn how we can improve the app to provide young adults with the information they need to get covered. Our goal is to have an app that is created FOR young adults, BY young adults! We are working hard to improve the app by: Launching a Spanish version Finding ways to make the app more interactive Including GPS locators to ACA Navigators If you have any suggestions to improve the app, please contact us at:
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