TOOLS & Projects overview Arkadiusz Stasiewicz
OpenCube Publishing and Enriching Linked Open Statistical Data for the Development of Data Analytics and Enhanced Visualization Services
Background Open (Gov) Data are very important for the EU A big portion of Open Data concerns statistics Statistical data is often organized as data cubes, where each cell contains a measure described based on a number of dimensions. Users frequently blend & combine statistical data from multiple sources. These data usually resides in files and databases (data silos) that are hard to combine.
Linked Data Linked Data has the potential to enable combining and performing analytics on top of disparate and previously isolated statistical data The RDF Data Cube Vocabulary has been proposed for modelling multi- dimensional data as RDF graphs.
Benefits Enable analysis not possible before (merging data cubes at a Web scale) Lower entry barrier to SMEs to exploit this new technology Facilitate publishers to create linked data cubes from legacy formats Empower users to browse, visualise, link, expand and analyse data cubes.
Results - Visualizing a measure in MapView
Results – OLAP Browser
Results - TARQL Tool for converting CSV files to RDF accordingly to SPARQL 1.1 syntax. The data cubes are generated based on the provided, easy to modify, query templates. Stream CSV processing Use of column headers as variable names
OpenGovIntelligence Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Europe through Public Administration Modernisation towards Supplying and Exploiting Linked Open Statistical Data
Project Consortium 12 Participants from 7 Countries 2.8 M€ funding research, industry, pilots 2.8 M€ funding Duration: 36 months (starting February 2016)
Motivation – Open Government Data Public administration publishes Open Data in an ad-hoc manner. They also design and deliver services in a top-down manner. On the other hand, society has needs and data-driven public services, not raw data, can address these needs. As a result, society should be involved in service co-production to ensure that public services address their needs.
Motivation – Open Statistical Data Statistical Data is one of the five thematic dataset categories in highest demand from re-users across the EU (EC, 2014) Statistical data is often organized as data cubes, where each cell contains a measure described based on a number of dimensions.
Motivation – Data Fragmentation Open Statistical Data are fragmented Searching on for “unemployment” datasets: 122 results (links and files) These results provide access to 56 files and 610 links These links lead to 18 other portals Through them to more than 2000 other files
The JSON-QB API Aims to exploit the advantages of LOSD (e.g. easy data integration) Support web developers use statistical data stored in the form of an RDF Data Cube Assume minimal knowledge of Linked Data
The OLAP Browser Allows users interactively view and analyze data from different perspectives Enables the discovery of datasets on the Web of Linked Data that are structural compatible to integrate Enables the creation of integrated views of multiple datasets. Based on the JSON-QB API for the implementation.
Data Cube Explorer Web-based tool that catalogues and presents details of available data cubes to the users. Enables users to preview cube data using pivot table, cube browser and other visualization widgets. It is offering customizable statistical analysis
Overview An EU Funded Project INSO-1-2014: ICT-enabled open government Starting Date: February 1st, 2015 Duration: 36 months Highlights Pilot tools to increase the transparency impact of ICT-based technology platforms of the public sector The transparency tools to be piloted should benefit from open data and help in monitoring, enhancing accountability & fighting corruption
Open Data
Open Data
Open Data Many datasets available Many areas covered Big, Open, Linked Scale, access, use But… Diverse and Incompatible Lack of standardization Lack of visibility of existing data Citizens/users do not seem to be attracted by the existing solutions and tools
ROUTE-TO-PA Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency-Enabling Technologies fOr Public Administrations
ROUTE-TO-PA Project Project mission is to improve the engagement of citizens by making them able to socially interact over open data, by forming or joining existing online communities that share common interest and discuss common issues. How can open data and open data platform afford better transparency of public administration?
Project in numbers 12 Participants from 6 Countries 3 M€ funding research, industry, pilots 3 M€ funding 3 research products Duration: 36 months (starting February 2015)
Project aims develop a Social Platform for Open Data (SPOD) enabling social interactions among open data users and between open data users and government data; build Transparency-Enhancing Toolset (TET) as extensions for existing major Open Data Platforms; and develop a set of recommendations (GUIDE) as good practice guide for open data publishers for achieving higher quality transparency through open data.
Results – SPOD – Social Platform for Open Data Discussions Comments ‘Likes’ Networks Data catalog Visualisations
Results – SPOD – Visualizations
Results - TET
Results - Search Results
Results - Filtering and ordering
Results - Dataset Details
Results - Dataset Summary