Palestinian Covenant Read: Deuteronomy 30:1-10 Who are the parties involved? God Israel What are the responsibilities? Dispersion for disobedience (Deut. 28:63-68) Future Repentance of Israel (Deut. 30:2) The Return of the Lord (Deut. 30:3) Restoration to the Land (Deut. 30:5 & Isaiah 11:11-12) National Conversion (Hosea 2:14-16 & Romans 11:26-27) Israel’s Oppressors Judged (Deut. 30:7) National Prosperity (Deut. 30:9)
Palestinian Covenant The Nation of Israel has never as yet taken Is this a conditional or unconditional covenant? Unconditional Is this a universal covenant? Not Universal The Nation of Israel has never as yet taken the land under as stipulated in the Abrahamic Covenant nor has Israel ever possessed the whole land.
Palestinian Covenant Why have these promises not been fulfilled completely yet? a) Israel has not taken possession completely of the land promised them. b) Israel as a nation has rejected Jesus as Messiah. c) Israel has not miraculously accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. (Romans 11:25-27) See: Jeremiah 32:36-44 (Promises God made are repeated here) Ezekiel 36:22-38
Breakout Group Discussion Time... Palestinian Covenant Breakout Group Discussion Time... Yeah! Read: Jeremiah 29:11 (and surrounding verses...if need be) #1 Who is God talking to here? #2 Why is God telling them this? #3 When will God do this? #4 Can we “claim” this “promise” today? Does this “promise” apply to us? - Why or why not?