Project Energie in de Merenwijk DIY session Project Energie in de Merenwijk Marc Koene, Verónica Sebá and Ayres Algera
The psychology of energy saving and behavioral change simple things you can do in your house to reduce your energy intake and how to make them stick, based on psychological knowledge
Ways to change routine behaviour Use reminders that are: Specific Simple Close to behaviour Friendly Easy to notice
Ways to change routine behavior Getting feedback (e.g. by using devices to measure energy intake) Benefits: gives you a clear view of the problem, which helps you choose the best solution It should: - Be given as frequently as possible - Be communicated soon after behavior - Be given in units people can understand (e.g. amount of money spent) - Have a clear goal
Ways to change routine behaviours The device is a great way to give feedback, since the information about energy intake is available at all times and it’s given in easy- to-understand measure units However, you should check it regularly and establish a clear goal (which you can do with the help of the group members)
What to do in a group context Aim to do the behavior at least once The change should be seen as voluntary (e.g. encourage family to come up with their own ideas: suggestions instead of pressure)
Making a plan Turns intentions into action and helps you work towards a goal Choose a budget every month Making a plan of action for every month Share your plan with others Report back to the group
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