AMICI WP1 – Management, coordination and dissemination Sylvie Leray, deputy-coordinator CEA/Irfu
AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018 WP1 Objectives Overall management of the project in order to ensure the achievement of the project objectives and the coordination of the work done in the different WPs Relations with EC including progress and financial reporting, Exchange of information between the partners and with industry, External dissemination of the project results Communication and outreach activities Strategy for a possible follow up of AMICI AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018 WP1 tasks WP1.1: Project management (CEA) WP1.2: Organization of the participation of industry (INFN, CEA, IFJ PAN) WP 1.3: Administrative and financial project management (CEA) WP1.4: Communication and outreach activities (IFJ PAN, CEA) AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
WP1.1: Project management Review of the work done in the WPs: meetings with WP leaders and as far as possible Task leaders Goals: status of the work done, possible adjustments, difficulties, plan up to the end of the project WP2: LAL, Orsay, December 12 WP3: DESY, Hamburg, December 20 WP5: LASA, Milano, January 16 WP4: ? AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
WP1.3: Administrative and financial project management Progress and financial midterm report delivered AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
WP1.2: Organization of the participation of industry Advisory Group meeting A European Forum on accelerators and magnets TI gathering scientists, engineers and industry that will be organized in Brussels on Month 24 to present the work done in the different WPs and discuss the long-term strategy for TIs AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 22, 2018
Possible extension of the project ? We propose to ask for a 3 or 4 month extension: Some tasks have not progressed according to the initial plan and would benefit from additional time Difficulty to write the final report during the vacation period Organization of the European Forum seems difficult before end of June Some tasks to be prolonged have to be identified and justification provided AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
WP1: Management, coordination and dissemination (CEA) Due Achieved Expected MS1 Installation of the Advisory Group M1 M1 MS2 Website software ready M2 M2 MS3 Industry days and consultation of industry representatives completed M3 M3 MS4 Implementation of deliverable database and tools for the follow up of the milestones progress M4 M5 MS5 1st GA and Annual project meetings M14 M14 MS6 2nd GA and Annual project meetings M23 M25 MS7 3rd GA and Annual project meetings M29 M33 Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019
WP1: Management, coordination and dissemination (CEA) Due Achieved Expected D1.1 Minutes of the Kick-off Meeting M2 M2 D1.2 Definition of the participation of industry M4 M4 D1.3 Public website with searchable databases and communication tools M11 M11 D1.4 Minutes from the 1st annual and GA meetings M15 M15 D1.5 Progress and financial 1st reports M21 M21 D1.6 European Forum on accelerators and SC magnets Technological Infrastructures M24 M30 D1.7 Report on dissemination and data management M30 M33 D1.8 Minutes from the 2nd annual and GA meetings M26 D1.9 Minutes from the 3rd annual and GA meetings D1.10 Progress and financial 2nd reports Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019
Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019 WP2: Strategy (CNRS) Due Achieved Expected MS8 Updating of KTA M12 MS9 Collection of the scientific Roadmaps M14 MS10 Intermediate report on sustainability M21 D2.1 Report on Key Technological Areas survey and prospective outlook M24 M27 D2.2 Report on the Technological Roadmaps for the different KTA M27 M29 D2.3 Report on propositions to guarantee the long term sustainability of TIs M30 M30 Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019
WP3: Cooperation (DESY) Due Achieved Expected MS11 First version of the report on eligibility criteria M9 MS12 First version of the report on Networking and Coordination Model M16 MS13 Collection and analysis of existing bi- or multilateral agreements between AMICI members and with other partners M21 D3.1 Report defining the eligibility criteria for accessing to the core group of large Tis D3.2 Report on the networking and coordination model M30 D3.3 Report about the proposed model of collaboration agreement Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019
Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019 WP4: Innovation (STFC) Due Achieved Expected MS14 3rd Party selected for survey on accelerator technologies M15 MS15 Interim report on survey results in the field of SC Magnet Technologies MS16 Initial analysis of acquired data on good practices and identification of actions M26 MS17 Survey on accelerator technologies received from 3rd party M27 D4.1 Report on accelerator market study M30 D4.2 Report on SC magnet market study M33 D4.3 Report on best practice collaboration between industry and technology Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019
WP5: Industrialization (INFN) Due Achieved Expected MS18 List of safety scenarios in liquid helium cryostats M12 MS19 Preliminary report on the required conditions for apprenticeships program in TI M24 M25 MS20 Preliminary report on the required conditions for apprenticeships program in industries MS21 Preliminary conclusions of the working group on prototyping issues D5.1 Definition of the possible structure and content of a database for materials and components M26 M30 D5.2 Final report on the required conditions for apprenticeships program in TI M28 D5.3 General harmonized guidelines for the safety of cryogenic equipment D5.4 Final report on the required conditions for apprenticeships program in industries D5.5 Final report on conditions for developing prototypes in industry Salerno, Italy | January 23, 2019
Strategy for the future AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
Meeting with Ph. Froissard in Brussels (11/10/2018) Participants: Ph. Froissard, P. Postigo, T. Ekelöf, G. Decroix (CEA/DRF, member of the RI PC), A. Gleeson, S. Leray, M. Morandin, O. Napoly Agenda: Short presentation by ON of the goals of AMICI as the EU project and as an integrated TI in the future Views from the different non EC participants View from EC Summary It will be very difficult to have an additional line for TIs in the WP 2020 EC is convinced of the importance of TFs for the construction of future RIs but consider that support should come mainly from the Member States We should give numbers proving the importance of TIs and the benefit of organizing ourselves in a coordinated network in particular for industry (they expected more concrete progress in the mid-term report) TIs cannot be on the ESFRI since they do not fulfill the criteria but their importance should be recognized by ESFRI: EC proposes that we be invited in an ESFRI meeting mid 2019 to present our case. AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
Meeting with Ph. Froissard in Brussels (11/10/2018) Actions: Quantify what would be the cost of building RIs without our TFs through examples, in particular ESS: CEA, INFN, STFC, UU, IFJ-PAN,… should estimate roughly the cost of the TFs, including the training of highly skilled personnel, that are used to achieve their task in the construction (TE) Proposition : Evaluate the costs (not only financial ones) associated with a scenario in which TI are not maintained but just upgraded once they are needed for a project w.r.t. a second scenario in which they are continuously exploited and maintained (TE). Quantify the cost of opening our facilities to industry or to other partners: personnel needed to organize the access, to run the facility continuously, cost of additional quality assurance, standardization procedures, to promote the TFs potential, etc… on a few examples of some TFs in different labs (MM+SL) Prepare as soon as possible a document describing the model for sustainability that we are proposing for the integrated TI. 22/10/2018 AMICI Steering Committee
Strategy for the future First finalize the collaboration scheme that we would like for an AMICI-2, independently of the possibility of funding, with as strong as possible arguments and support from industry Check that this scheme is supported by our authorities Propose the list of possible actions / activities that would be organized within AMICI-2 with a degree of ambition depending of the available funding, aiming at a sustainable funding model Simultaneously, continue to try convincing EC that TIs should be recognized and supported 22/10/2018 AMICI Steering Committee
Last version of the RI WP for 2020 AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
Last version of the RI WP for 2020 AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
Last version of the RI WP for 2020 INFRAINNOV-04-2020: Innovation pilots Specific Challenge: Pan-European Research Infrastructures use more and more sophisticated technologies not available on the market, which require ad-hoc developments and often the use of large-scale platforms combining R&D (Research and Development), integration and validation. These platforms can also provide longer-term visibility and involvement of industry in scientific and technological advancements and therefore ensure greater socio-economic impact. Scope: Funding will be provided to research infrastructure networks to kick-start the implementation of a common strategy/roadmap for technological developments required for improving their services through partnership with industry. Proposals should then involve research infrastructures, industry and SMEs to promote innovation and knowledge sharing through co-creation of needed technical solutions and make use, when appropriate, of large-scale platforms combining R&D (Research and Development), integration and validation for the technological developments. Proposals should address: • if not already done, the identification of key techniques and trends which are crucial for future construction and upgrade of the involved Research Infrastructures and the definition of roadmaps and/or strategic agendas for their development, in close partnership with the industrial partners, especially with innovative SMEs; • the development of the identified fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the involved research infrastructures, taking into due account resource efficiency and environmental (including climate-related) impacts. • the prototyping of higher performance methodologies, protocols, and instrumentation, including the testing of components, subsystems, materials, and dedicated software, needed to upgrade the involved research infrastructures or construct their next generation. As the grant will not cover the full implementation of the common strategy/roadmap for technological developments, proposals should define a sustainability plan for its further implementation. Proposals should contribute to fostering the potential for innovation, including social innovation, of research infrastructures by reinforcing the partnership with industry, through e.g. transfer of knowledge and other dissemination activities, activities to promote the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies. AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018 RI WP 2016-2017 AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
Last version of the RI WP for 2020 INFRAINNOV-04-2020: Innovation pilots Specific Challenge: Pan-European Research Infrastructures use more and more sophisticated technologies not available on the market, which require ad-hoc developments and often the use of large-scale platforms combining R&D (Research and Development), integration and validation. These platforms can also provide longer-term visibility and involvement of industry in scientific and technological advancements and therefore ensure greater socio-economic impact. Scope: Funding will be provided to research infrastructure networks to kick-start the implementation of a common strategy/roadmap for technological developments required for improving their services through partnership with industry. Proposals should then involve research infrastructures, industry and SMEs to promote innovation and knowledge sharing through co-creation of needed technical solutions and make use, when appropriate, of large-scale platforms combining R&D (Research and Development), integration and validation for the technological developments. Proposals should address: • if not already done, the identification of key techniques and trends which are crucial for future construction and upgrade of the involved Research Infrastructures and the definition of roadmaps and/or strategic agendas for their development, in close partnership with the industrial partners, especially with innovative SMEs; • the development of the identified fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the involved research infrastructures, taking into due account resource efficiency and environmental (including climate-related) impacts. • the prototyping of higher performance methodologies, protocols, and instrumentation, including the testing of components, subsystems, materials, and dedicated software, needed to upgrade the involved research infrastructures or construct their next generation. As the grant will not cover the full implementation of the common strategy/roadmap for technological developments, proposals should define a sustainability plan for its further implementation. Proposals should contribute to fostering the potential for innovation, including social innovation, of research infrastructures by reinforcing the partnership with industry, through e.g. transfer of knowledge and other dissemination activities, activities to promote the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies. AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018 A proposition INFRAINNOV-04-2020: Innovation pilots Specific Challenge: Pan-European Research Infrastructures use more and more sophisticated technologies not available on the market, which require ad-hoc developments and often the use of large-scale platforms combining R&D (Research and Development), integration and validation. These platforms can also provide longer-term visibility and involvement of industry in scientific and technological advancements and therefore ensure greater socio-economic impact. Scope: Funding will be provided to research and/or technology infrastructure networks to kick-start the implementation of a common strategy/roadmap for technological developments required for improving their services through partnership with industry. Proposals should then involve research and/or technology infrastructures, industry and SMEs to promote innovation and knowledge sharing through co-creation of needed technical solutions and make use, when appropriate, of large-scale platforms combining R&D (Research and Development), integration and validation for the technological developments. Proposals should address: • if not already done, the identification of key techniques and trends which are crucial for future construction and upgrade of the involved Research Infrastructures and the definition of roadmaps and/or strategic agendas for their development, in close partnership with the industrial partners, especially with innovative SMEs; • the development of the identified fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the involved research and/or technology infrastructures, taking into due account resource efficiency and environmental (including climate-related) impacts. • the prototyping of higher performance methodologies, protocols, and instrumentation, including the testing of components, subsystems, materials, and dedicated software, needed to upgrade the involved research infrastructures or construct their next generation. As the grant will not cover the full implementation of the common strategy/roadmap for technological developments, proposals should define a sustainability plan for its further implementation. Proposals should contribute to fostering the potential for innovation, including social innovation, of research and/or technology infrastructures by reinforcing the partnership with industry, through e.g. transfer of knowledge and other dissemination activities, activities to promote the use of research and/or technology infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies. AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018
AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018 A proposition AND, since in the text of the INFRAINNOV-02 call it is written While the past pilot action mainly addressed the industrial applications of detection and imaging technologies in the fields of medicine, manufacturing industry, aerospace, ICT, engineering, environmental sciences, proposals under this topic can also encompass different research infrastructure technologies. ask that part of the money devoted to this call could be devoted to R&D projects related to accelerators and magnets This would allow to have the part of ARIES and FuSuMaTech devoted to R&D funded in INFRAINNOV-02 and AMICI, incorporating parts of ARIES and FuSuMaTech not devoted to R&D, in INFRAINNOV-03 AMICI 2nd Annual Meeting, Salerno| January 23, 2018