Patient Participation Feb 2014
What do I mean by this?
What do you know?
22 pages England only 1/4/13-31/3/14
Key Objectives Patients involved in decision about the range and quality of services provided and commissioned by their practice. Promote proactive engagement of patients through Patient Reference Groups Seek views from practice patients through use of a local practice survey Outcomes published on practice website
One aspect that practices may wish to focus on is ensuring convenient access to the practice and also from the practice to other services in its role as coordinator of care, facilitating access to other health and social care providers.
6 Components
1 Develop a structure that gains the views of patients and enables the practice to obtain feedback from the practice population, e.g. a PRG
2 Agree areas of priority with the PRG
3 Collate patient views through the use of a survey
4 Provide PRG with opportunity to discuss survey findings and reach agreement with the PRG on changes to services
5 Agree action plan with the PRG and seek PRG agreement to implementing changes
6 Publicise actions to be taken and subsequent achievement
Why would I do it?
Let’s have a go!