Selecting Courses in Parent Portal Blythewood High School
STEP 1 Login to your parent portal account using your student username and student password.
STEP 2 Click on the Class Registration icon on the left side of the screen. The Class Registration screen will appear: Welcome to the Blythewood High School Class Registration System for 2015-2016
You will see your class categories listed: English Math Science Social Studies Fine Arts World Language PE Additional Elective Choice
For each category Do the following: Click on the Pencil to make your course selections After clicking the pencil you will see a list of courses. Your teachers have made recommendations for all of your CORE classes and some electives. Click the course recommended by your teachers on the right side of the screen.
A check mark will appear next to the class name Click Okay You should now see a check mark next to the pencil If you see a red exclamation point , there is a problem…try it again. Repeat for each class category until you have gone through them all.