2.2 State of play of the sponsorship on "Stiglitz-Sen" report and the "GDP and beyond" Communication and future developments Inna Šteinbuka Director, Social and Information Society Statistics Eurostat
Ongoing actions Sponsorship with INSEE (FR) – Terms of references has been approved at the ESSC (11/2) Co-ordination of ESS Sponsorship project with EC Inter-Departmental group on GDP & beyond and with Strategy EU – 2020 Co-ordination at the working level with INSEE (3rd video-conference on 10 March)
Possible topics for the sponsorship Better exploiting and promoting the already existing information. Further harmonising and improving the measurement of prices and volumes in non market sectors (health, education). Using the household surveys in order to provide macro-economic information on the distribution of income, consumption and savings (link with National Accounts). Measuring the production of non-market domestic services (as well as leisure time). Establishing objective and subjective indicators of quality of life on the basis of household surveys and relevant administrative sources. Measuring material and human capital. Establishing physical indicators for environmental pressures. DESTATIS, February 4-5, 2010
Short term actions in Eurostat/Dir F Joint SIF Data on household finances from perspectives of structure/distribution (survey) and evolution in aggregate (national accounts) and how the two are related. Publication 'Income Distribution and Living Conditions' 4th Quarter 2010 Well-being indicators list and feasibility analysis is published on the Eurostat indicators pages. SIF on Key distributional issues based on different social statistics sources. Experimental barometer on well-being conducted by DG COMM. Eurostat will exploit micro-data in order to analyse distributional aspects. Conference on comparative EU statistics on income and living conditions, Warsaw, 25-26 march 2010 DESTATIS, February 4-5, 2010
Implementation of the sponsorship Key themes/Task Forces proposed at the working level: 1. Households perspective and distributional aspects of income, consumption and wealth 2. Environmental sustainability Multidimensional measures of quality of life – DSS Strategic TF? The first meeting between the DGs is provisionally scheduled for 31.3
Partnership Group: Sponsorship is an opportunity: To improve the image of official statistics To help set priorities, including in the area of Social Statistics (link to strategy) To address the issue of the ECB and ESCB household survey on health