Time and Attendance
Go to Frontline www.mynwresd>quick links>Frontline Apps
Sign in You will be directed to this screen – select Time & Attendance
Who are you? Supervisor / Person in charge of timesheet review Do you need to review and approve your staff’s timesheets?
Make sure you’re under Time and Attendance From this drop down you can toggle between the different Frontline products
As supervisor (campus or admin) your home screen should look similar to this maybe more or less tiles
The People Locator is designed to give you a snapshot of where everyone is in real-time for the current day. The key to learning this information is to focus on the "Status" column. It will tell you the last clock event for someone or if they have scheduled leave.
Quick snapshot of who is visible to you to approve
What am I suppose to do once I’m logged in here?
Those responsible for checking Timesheets Double check leave against timesheets Does your department have procedures in place to communicate when someone calls in sick or schedules time off so you can watch for those to show up on the timesheets?
Those responsible for checking Timesheets cont - Double check - is there extra duty? How is extra duty being communicated so you know when to look for it and what account should it be charged to? Comment on account code when working outside of normal job and/or budget funding account for Extra Duty
Supervisors Verify their people were working on the days scheduled Verify ALL absences are accounted for in Absence Management Extra Duty is approved Do Not comment funding changes on regular positions here – create PAR for any change of Funding or FTE to regular positions
I don’t have time to check all of my people I’ll just hit approve No one will know
In theory, sounds good! Employees are suppose to be responsible for their own timesheets and entering their own absences. Reality – Your budget can be impacted by not reviewing time 90% of your budget is payroll costs – if you’re not paying attention you can end up being over budget. Your department can be paying out way more than you are aware of in OT and extra duty Is your department paying folks who are not showing up and not using their leave because they “forget” to record it in Absence Management and no one is reconciling it. We pay out Personal Leave balances at the end of the year. Sub costs
Use the different reports available to you to help pinpoint issues to get them corrected
Payroll Review Payroll Review is only accessible if you have Organization User rights https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/mboeu au9kr?popover=true
Work Summary This report is a quick and dirty report to run that is basically the summary box at the bottom of each person’s timesheet The great thing about this report is you can customize what you see by using all the filter options
Work summary cont -
Work Detail This is the report that payroll pulls each month to review There are items that can be filtered to look at specifics It is basically the timesheet in a much friendly format that can cut down time in the reviewing process Pull this report to review, ask questions and if needed send back for changes. The beauty is anything that is Blue can be drilled into from this page
When everything has been reviewed/verified from the Work Detail report go to Timesheet Review
If you have more than 1 location/group you supervise you may have to toggle between the views to see all employees Make sure you select the date range for your approvals
When you hit the search button a list of your folks should appear below
So how do I get to the status of Approved From this screen click on the little box next to the timesheet icon Remember only Submitted timesheets can be approved
It is possible to mass approve all of your people at one time as long as you have verified everything go back to the Timesheet Review screen then follow the prompts to complete
From this screen you can approve, send it back to employee to correct or set back to pending if employee needs to make a change after they have submitted click the checkbox to certify you have reviewed and your timesheet is correct hit Submit button
Learning Task Log into Time and Attendance Change your view to supervisor Review 3 employee’s timesheets Approve those timesheets
Everyone who’s pay is based on their work calendar will continue to be paid based on those calendars as before – nothing has changed. This system is to replace the paper timesheets Payroll is here to assist in anyway possible – just let us know how we can help I am continuing to offer my time if sites want some one-on-one help with time and attendance
Questions? pvoss@nwresd.k12.or.us payroll@nwresd.k12.or.us Pam Voss, Payroll Manager pvoss@nwresd.k12.or.us payroll@nwresd.k12.or.us 503-614-1328