Shearwaters and Cardinals Ariel Barlow
Order: Procellariiformes characteristics Consists of four families: albatrosses, two families of petrels, and shearwaters Recognized by their tubular nostrils which project upon the upper bill (feature also gives them their alternative name which is Tubinares; meaning tube-nosed) Webbed feet, and hind toe is either vestigial or missing All species have a characteristic musky odor caused by the excretion of stomach oil. This can be used as a defensive discharge through the mouth when it is alarmed
Economic importance to humans: Source of food (protein) Feathers are used in hat-making Petrels are often used as bait by fishermen Stomach oils of Procellariiformes are used as lamp oil and as an ingredient in medicine
Distribution: Majority breed in the southern hemisphere, but some species migrate across the equator to winter in the northern summer seas Species that breed in the northern hemisphere migrate south to winter in the southern summer Some are less migratory and don’t cross the equator Some are almost sedentary Actually ARE found in some parts of Antarctica!
Feeding Habits: Eat small fish and crustaceans, squid, garbage from ships, wounded or exhausted or dead birds, carrion including the flesh of dead whales, and some will kill unattended young penguins Make short dives as needed Do not typically kill other birds since they are not very agile on land
Reproduction/Birth Lay one egg (usually white) Severe competition for nesting territories Return to the same nesting site each year Mate for life Elaborate greeting:
Order: Passeriformes Family: Cardinalidae Facts: Don’t migrate and don’t molt, so constantly the same pretty colors Females sing while on the nest which might signal to the male when to bring food back A mated pair of cardinals share song phrases, but the female may sing longer and more complex song than the male: Pairs mate for life Eat insects, spiders, wild fruits, berries, and weed seeds Female typically incubates the eggs, but the male will for short periods of time; incubation takes 12-13 days; Young fledge 10 to 11 days after hatching; anywhere from 2 to 4 broods are raised each year
Distribution and Characteristics: State bird in seven states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia Distinctive crest on the head and a mask on the face that is black in males and grey in females Female is dull reddish olive and the male is bright red