CARI Training Content Area Reading Indicators Introduction Students | Teachers | Instructional Content
Content Area Reading Indicators 2
Objective To understand the process of administration and reports of CARI. 3
Learning Targets Understand the purpose of CARI Learn about DIBELS and CARI Learn how to administer the CARI Results and Reports of CARI To revisit this training and for further resources like video training visit 4
In 2014-15, 7 out of 10 Kindergarten students were At/Above Benchmark in Basic Early Literacy Skills* * DIBELS Next Benchmark data 2014-15 5
In 2014-15, 4 out of 10 Fifth Grade students were At/Above Benchmark in Basic Early Literacy Skills* * DIBELS Next Benchmark data 2014-15 6
Reading Trajectories 7
Essential Question What do we observe from the change in student progress and performance from kindergarten to fifth grade? 8
Alvord District Literacy Plan Instruction Curriculum Assessment 9
Assessment Goal from the District Literacy Plan Develop and implement an internal comprehensive system of assessment to identify unique student needs, measure growth, and drive instruction across content areas, ensuring success for all students. 10
Purpose of the CARI CARI is one part of an effective district-wide literacy system Identifying students who may be at risk for reading difficulties Help teachers identify areas to target Common Core Standards of instructional support 11
Measuring Student Progress and Performance Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills DIBELS TK - 6 Early Literacy Skills Grades TK – 2 Fluency and Reading Comprehension Grades 3 - 6 CARI 7 - 9 Comprehension Reading Fluency Learning to read Reading to learn Dynamic Measurements Group Content Area Reading Indicators 12
What is DIBELS? A set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. 13
What DIBELS Measures: CARI 14
What is the CARI? The following benchmarks are given 3 times per year. *Daze – Silent Reading Maze (whole group) Silent Reading (SR) with multiple choice comprehension questions (small group for students with some risk) Oral Reading (OR) with Recall plus Oral Comprehension Questions (1:1 for students at risk) *Our focus is on the Daze assessment. If you would like the additional assessments please reach out to the assessment office for further assistance. 15
What is CARI? A brief standardized assessment. Universal screening Linked to CCSS Tightly controlled for readability Predictive of future reading outcomes* Group administered for DAZE Small group and individually administered for additional assessments (Silent Reading & Oral Reading) Progress monitoring Formative *The CARI is in its Research Phase 16
What does the Daze Measure? Reading Comprehension Background information, prior knowledge, & vocabulary Linguistic skills: syntax & morphology Inference: cause/effect & figurative language Growth in the school year 17
Silent Reading and Oral Reading Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Literal and inferential details Inference: cause and effect, point of view, drawing conclusions, main idea, prediction, application of content Silent Reading Measures (SR) Word Recognition and Fluency Advanced Phonics and Word Attack Skills Accurate, Fluent Connected Text Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Literal detail inference Oral Reading Measures (OR) 18
Lets look at the Daze Measure 19
Questions What did you observe from taking the assessment? 20
Administration Format Group or individually administered Booklet consisting of 3 passages Prose Social Studies Science Scoring Number of correct responses, adjusted for guessing 21
Administration Results and Reports Results in EADMS Scanned Administration Window Please notify the assessment office when your site is finished administering the Daze measure. The Daze should be completed by October 28. Contact: (951)509-5178 Results and Reports Results in EADMS Scanned View results in student response Results in Uploaded to Dibels once school administration is done 22
Materials for Administration CARI Materials Alvord Student booklet for each student EADMS pre id scan sheets CARI Directions For Administering the assessment Yellow Suggested Script for filling out scan sheets Large Green Scan Sheet Answer Choice Guide (Assessment office will deliver the above materials to your school) Timer (phone, stop watch, or sun dial with a second hand)Let us know if you need a timer Timer should not be visible to the student 23
Directions for Administration Review before administration 24
Process: The students take the Prose, Social Studies, and Science Daze measures. They have 3 minutes for each passage. The students transfer their answers to an EADMS scan sheet. There are three different scan sheets. 1 for each passage. Directions are given on the yellow sheet on the suggested script. The teacher scans the pre id scan sheets. It may take an entire class period depending on the class. 25
Who will take it? All 7th and 9th grade students including special education students except those enrolled in a Life Skills course. 26
EADMS Quick Check of Scores When using EADMS to check scores please note that Percent Correct (PC) is irrelevant to a DAZE score. What is relevant is the Raw Score (RS) and taking a quick look at the greens and pinks. A Pink question mark shows non attempted or an incorrect response. 27
Checking results at Go to the website Your username is first initial and lastname. Andy Garcia would agarcia Your password is ausd(first initial & last initial) 28
Entering Scores into Change the assessment to CARI Daze. 29
Viewing results at Select Class & Student Reports Choose your report. 30
Viewing results at 3. Select the Scope and Year. 4. The report should now show up. 31
Viewing results at *Adjusted score for Passage 1,2, & 3 The up or down triangle to sort your students. *The adjusted score is the correct score – (half the incorrect answers) The reason for an adjusted score is to control for guessing. 32
How to use the results Find out your students’ ability within the class. What can be done to help these students with comprehension? When the next benchmark is given check for growth. < 20% is at risk 20% to 40% is some risk Above 40% low risk 33
Additional Support will be Provided “All students will realize their unlimited potential” We are in the beginning process of using this assessment. Please work with us in making it meaningful and purposeful so we can have more students college and career ready. 34
Support and Resources Director of Secondary Literacy – Jennifer Schriver Director of Assessment – Gina Simpson Instructional Specialist Assessment – Elizabeth Juge Instructional Specialist Assessment – Mark Rasmussen Data and Assessment Clerk – Mariela Aguilar (951)509-5178 CARI training video link Username: cari Password: download2016 35