2 Peter Lesson 4
What is god’s provision for us? Faith by the righteousness of Christ 1:1 Grace and peace 1:2 Everything pertaining to life and godliness 1:3 Precious and magnificent promises 1:4 Partakers of divine nature 1:4 Escape the corruption that is in the world by lust/evil desire 1:4
What are we to do? Be diligent to make every effort in our faith to supply….1:5 These increasing qualities are evidence of our salvation This proves that we have been partakers of the divine nature
2 Peter 1:8-11 Qualities must be increasing in order to be fruitful and useful IF they are lacking, we have forgotten, instead of remembering, what God has saved us from IF they are lacking, we must go back and make sure of His calling and choosing How can we actually DO this Christian walk? Whoever told you YOU could? Only the Holy Spirit through us, can.
Cross references James 2:14-26 Abraham and Rahab’s faith was proved by their works Works are the outward evidence of faith Rom. 2:4-10 God will render to every man, saved or lost, according to his deeds My understanding: I am forgiven of my sin and its wages – death. I will be judged as a Christian (not condemned) for my actions/deeds
2 peter 1:10-11 We can make certain of our salvation, by practicing these qualities It is a lifestyle of these qualities which confirms salvation Obedience is security for Christians, not legalism, but obedience from the heart Be all the MORE diligent…in this way… Salvation is entering the eternal kingdom
Cross references I John 2:28 One would abide in Him and have confidence at His coming, and not shrink away 2 John 8 Watch yourselves that you may not lose what was accomplished and not receive a full reward Mark 4:20-25 Good seed – hears and bears fruit – thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold Luke 12:42-48 There IS a reward for faithfulness
2 Peter 1:12-16 Peter would always be ready to remind them of truth, even though they already knew it How can/should we do this with each other? 1:16 Peter was an eyewitness, so they had not followed cleverly devised tales/myths like the false prophets in 2:1
Cross references Matt. 17:1-8 Matthew is writing according to what Peter, James and John TOLD him……he wasn’t there!!! 2 Peter 1:19 The prophetic word made more sure (fully confirmed ESV) So pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place: The Word – The Light of the World, this world is a dark place
2 Peter 1:20-21 NO prophecy of Scripture (true prophecy) is a matter of one’s own interpretation Why? No prophecy was ever made by an act of human will Men moved along by the Holy Spirit spoke from God – therefore – God’s Words No “secret introducing” as the false prophets did
2 peter 2 Contrast: TRUE Prophecy in chapter 1 FALSE Prophecy in chapter 2 Comparison: it came among both the Old Testament believers and the New Testament believers Believers can recognize the false by knowing the True Word of God
False teachers in 2 Peter 2 Have destructive heresies to introduce Sensual Malign/blaspheme/revile the way of Truth Exploit with false words Old Testament examples: Angels when they sinned – hell Noah and ungodly of ancient world – flood Righteous Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah – ash Balaam – Josh. 13:22 Died at the hands of Israel
Possible words to look up Malign/revile are the same Greek word! Secretly Sensual Carouse Entice Unstable Entangled and Overcome