How To Use This Presentation This pest-specific presentation is one of 14 presentations, each of which focuses on a specific, non-native invasive tree pest or disease. This presentation can be used in a variety of settings – volunteer workshops, professional trainings, classroom lessons, and others. The format and content on these slides is designed to be presented by, and presented to, people with varying degrees of familiarity with trees or tree-related insects/diseases. You can deliver an individual presentation or combination of presentations in the series depending on your presentation goals, audience and duration. Some examples: Deliver one of these presentations for a brief workshop on how to spot the signs of a high-risk pest or disease in your area Combine several presentations to create a single regional forest pest/ disease workshop Host a series of weekly or monthly workshops where each workshop focuses on a particular pest relevant to your area, and the applicable pest-specific presentation is shared (Continued on next slide)
The next slide contains a table indicating which of the fourteen pests threatens the eastern and western halves of the country. Use the table to help you choose the individual pest-specific presentation, or a combination of presentations that is most appropriate to your location, and for your needs. There are 7 components to each presentation: Identifying characteristics of the pest or disease Life cycle or pest/host relationship Note: This slide contains more advanced content and may be omitted depending on audience or duration of workshop Host trees of the pest or disease Geographic range of host tree or pest/ disease Note: More up to date maps may be available at the time of presentation. To find these maps, conduct an internet search using terms “[Pest/Disease Name] Range” for insect range, or “[Host Tree Species Name] Range” or “[Pest/ Disease Name] Host Tree Range” for host trees, to locate the most up to date maps. What to look for to identify damage related to an infestation or disease Seasonal timeline featuring signs and symptoms seen during each season Additional resources
PRESENTATION EAST WEST Asian Longhorned Beetle Balsam Woolly Adelgid Citrus Greening Emerald Ash Borer Gold Spotted Oak Borer Gypsy Moth Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Oak Wilt Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Sirex Woodwasp Sudden Oak Death Thousand Canker Disease Viburnum Leaf Beetle Winter Moth