Introduction (hook): Used Unit 1 formal language to self-intro and welcome Used Unit 2 formal language for signaling parts of pitch Logline: Clear... Title: Clear idea what kind of TV show it is (game/reality etc.) Self-introductions:
Synopsis - it should describe concept/premise characters story REALITY concept/premise/ contestants/competition is played/ how many episodes/ how win prize
The Main Body- Synopsis...should Concept/Premise of show Characters/Contestants (brief description and how relate to each other) Show/Game Synopsis (concise, yet clear idea of main story, if game show, how/what win?) Strong takeaway! - think of this as a conclusion
PPT- Let’s make at least 10-12 slides Text/image balance/ Attractive Each clearly supported main points
Your Delivery Should... Eye contact, not too much reading, looked at audience not at screen Clear voice, pronunciation Confident, natural, smiled Gestures, pointed to visual, moved across the screen... Time
Elevator Speech If you arrived to pitch but the producers only had one minute to hear your speech in the elevator on his/her way out of the building! How could you summarize your show in 1 minute??? Let’s practice! Speech #1 in 2 minutes, then 1 minute!
Want to pitch your new idea? Logline or one-liner that tells and sells your show! Try to think of a few questions that you like to ask...