Characteristics of the Medieval Romance A Tale of High Adventure. A religious crusade, a conquest for the knight’s lord/King, and/or the rescue of a captive lady (or any combination).
CCSS RL 9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. W. 9-10.1 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. SL 9-10.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussion.
SWBAT Define characteristics of medieval romance literature and identify these characteristics in example texts like La Morte d'Arthur and Don Quixote. Compare and contrast characteristics of tragic heroes and romantic knights (heroes).
8 Characteristics (In brief): Idealizes Chivalry (Code of Chivalry – hero-knights abided by this code) Idealizes the noble hero-knight and his daring deeds Women are idealized and held in high regard by hero-knight Imaginative, vast, fairytale like setting Mystery and supernatural elements abound Repetition of the magical numbers 3 and 7 Tale involves a quest for love and/or adventure by hero-knight Simple, predictable, inevitable plot
1. Medieval romance usually idealizes chivalry. What is this? Honor, Respect, Loyalty, Courtesy, Gentlemanly Behavior, courage, Self-less acts. 1. Medieval romance usually idealizes chivalry.
2. Medieval romance idealizes the hero-knight and his noble deeds. Is well respected And looked up to. There are usually High expectations Of him and he May have already Performed some Chivalrous and Brave, daring tasks. 2. Medieval romance idealizes the hero-knight and his noble deeds.
3. An important element of the medieval romance is the knight’s love for his lady, or high regard and respect for women in general.
“Once upon a Time in a faraway Land….” 4. The settings of medieval romance tend to be imaginative and often vast and fairytale like.
5. Medieval romance derives mystery and suspense from supernatural elements or characters. Witches, wizards and dragons were popular. Medieval romance incorporates concealed or disguised identities of some characters. (Adds to the mystery and suspense.)
6. Repetition of the mystical number 3, and the number 7. There is often a motif Or pattern of the use Of one or both of these Numbers. Events or Characters often Happen revolving Around these numbers. 6. Repetition of the mystical number 3, and the number 7.
7. Our hero-knight must complete a quest for love or adventure and while doing so will perform daring deeds.
8. Medieval romances have a simple, predictable plot with some inevitable events. “Once upon a time….and they lived happily ever after.” Inevitable means unavoidable, can’t be stopped.
Characteristics of the Hero-Knight Birth of this hero is shrouded in mystery (as in where, when…). He is reared away from his true home in ignorance of his real parents. For a time, his true identity is unknown. After meeting an extraordinary challenge, he claims his right. (He must overcome obstacles and complete an adventure or specific tasks to claim his hero status). His triumph benefits a nation or a group.
Hero-Knight vs. Tragic Hero How is the hero-knight similar to the tragic hero we studied in Antigone? How is the hero-knight different? How well does the hero-knights journey fit into the model of a hero we studied earlier? (Think of the characteristics of a hero we studied.) Can you think of any present day examples of a hero- knight from your own reading or viewing? print copy of this slide for students
8 Characteristics of Medieval Romance Review Time: List, in your own words, the 8 characteristics of a medieval romance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. print copy of this slide for students
Write sample literature for these three categories. Review medieval romantic literature (8 min. video) watch battle of wits by The Princess Bride (5 min. clip) watch scene 12 of Tristan and Isolde (15 min.) Write sample literature for these three categories. Matter of Britain Matter of France Matter of Rome print chart for students to fill out may or may not show princess bride clip as it is not an actual example of medieval literature, but of the chivalry code
Read Lit. book 960-963 King Arthur and the sword (3 min.) (5 min.)
Read Le Morte d’Arthur 1010-1017 Sir Launcelot du Lake 1018-1027 The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights 1030-1040 Don Quixote 1044-1055 Man of La Mancha 1056-1060