The Boy In The Striped Pajamas SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To) Today Is… Jan. 29 Vocabulary Root “Rupt=break” Abrupt (adj) Bankrupt (adj) Corrupt (adj) Curruptible (adj) Disrupt (v) HW: Study vocab Agenda Mini-Lesson: Novel preview Reading Selection: The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Last Class: Diary of Anne Frank Next Class: Novel /Holocaust Heroes SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To) Today I am learning strategies and techniques that proficient readers use to help them comprehend.
Define and apply Latin roots to unfamiliar vocabulary words abrupt: sudden; unexpected; broken into what is expected Bankrupt: to be out of money; financially ruined; to “break the bank” Corrupt: evil; dishonest; to break away from honesty Corruptible: able to be influenced into doing something that breaks away from the rules Disrupt: to break up; to cause confusion Formative will be 2/4/19 SWBAT Define and apply Latin roots to unfamiliar vocabulary words