NUTS Regulation 11/05/2019 Final version 2005-10-13
Chapter 1 NUTS review
Amendment of the Regulation NUTS Regulation (EC) 1059/2003 Rules for how to change it are included in the Regulation 3-yearly review cycle Next review in 2006 (for both old and new Member States = EU25)
Actors Commission initiates any EU legislation DG Eurostat is managing the NUTS Regulation Unit D2 - GISCO and Regional Indicators Statistical Programme Committee (SPC) Formal notification about changes must come from Member States via their Ambassadors Secretariat General of the Commission
Notifications from MS It is preferable to keep NUTS regions unchanged! Informal discussion NSI - Eurostat Written notification from Permanent Representation of the MS in Brussels to the Secretariat General of Commission Include names of regions, population, relation to other NUTS levels, preferably maps Justification, e.g. administrative reorganisation
Legislative process Statistical Programme Committee decides Comitology procedure (votes in SPC) Council can reject the proposal, but only in unanimity European Parliament will be informed Published as Commission Decision
Time schedule Member States send notifications before 1 July 2006 Commission makes a proposal in second semester of 2006 Implementation from 1 January 2008
State of play Some countries already sent notifications or started an informal discussion with Eurostat It is probable that there will be a revision of the NUTS in one or more MS
Type of changes Territorial changes of regions in the NUTS Administrative vs. non-administrative 1% rule: small boundary modifications do not lead to a change of the Regulation Label changes Correction of spelling of names
Chapter 2 Next enlargement
Enlargement, next round Accession countries: Bulgaria and Romania Probably 1 January 2007 Amend annexes 1-3 of NUTS Regulation with BG & RO regions Different legal procedure: part of enlargement process Romanian regional breakdown at NUTS levels 1 and 2 has to be agreed before enlargement
Candidate countries, EFTA Croatia and Turkey have Statistical regions The former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia has sent a proposal for Statistical regions to Eurostat – modifications needed Other West Balkan countries are likely to follow in the coming years EFTA countries have statistical regions
Chapter 2 LAU
Local Administrative Units (LAU) Two levels below NUTS LAU level 1 = districts (former NUTS 4) LAU level 2 = municipalities, communes, wards (former NUTS 5) Lists of Smaller Administrative Units have to be sent to Eurostat by the NSI:s Statistical data from decennial censuses Link to the SABE data set in GISCO
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