Discussion Questions: Your Alberta Regionalism With what aspects of Alberta do you most identify? What salience does being an Albertan have to you? That is, where does your identity as an Albertan fit into your larger identity, in terms of importance? Is this sense of being an Albertan situational? “OTHERING”: In your mind, what (if any) residents of Alberta are not quite fully-fledged Albertans? What would they have to do to become fully-fledged Albertans? To what extent, if at all, do you feel a sense of regional alienation? Main influences on you in this regard? a.) How attached to Alberta do you feel? To what aspects of Alberta? What would it take to make you leave Alberta? What values are reflected in your answers here? b.) To what extent to you feel a sense of loyalty or obligation to Alberta? What does it mean to you to be an Albertan?