School of Advanced Studies nalysis E valuation S ynthesis
An iterative process for success in the ACCESS sequence What is AES? Analysis Evaluation Synthesis An iterative process for success in the ACCESS sequence
What is AES? By understanding AES you will be able to Prepare your papers more effectively Become a better critical reader Easily make sense of your faculty feedback Become a more effective critical and creative thinker Prepare yourself to become a more effective researcher
3 Stage Model Creative Synthesis Critical Evaluation Analysis Core Task: To put back together and create something new Core Task: To make a conclusion based on empirical data and a clear rationale Core Task: To identify and break into parts for identification and comparison Creative Synthesis Critical Evaluation Analysis The Rubric contains three main parts: analysis, critical evaluation, and creative synthesis. The core task in analysis is to identify and break the main ideas into separate parts for comparison (e.g., to take a car apart to find the broken part). The core task in critical evaluation is to reach a conclusion about the parts based on empirical data and clear cogent rationale (e.g., this is the broken part, based upon this measurement and this evidence; the conclusion is to replace the part). The core task in creative synthesis is to put things back together and create something new (e.g., if the new part has been re-designed to add more performance, the car will perform differently, so something new has been created).
Different Types of Thinking Critical Thinking (Deductive Reasoning) Analysis Critical Evaluation Creative Synthesis Analysis and critical evaluation are closely related and tend to rely on deductive reasoning. Many people will recognize the scientific method as analysis and critical evaluation. Evidence-based practice is a good example of analysis and critical evaluation. Analysis and critical evaluation are particularly important in professional practice when creating a new solution is not needed. Critical evaluation flows directly from analysis. Some analysis is usually needed before a valid conclusion can be developed. Creative synthesis is an entirely different thinking process and can be regarded as employing different reasoning. Creative thinking is sometimes referred to as abductive reasoning or design thinking. Creative synthesis can occur at an insightful moment when seeing something differently occurs. Creative Thinking Design Thinking (Abductive Reasoning)
An Iterative Process Over Time Creative Synthesis Analysis Critical Evaluation At a broader perspective analysis, critical evaluation and creative synthesis are cyclical in nature. The creative product of synthesis we achieve today will become the subject of analytical and evaluative processes in the future. Such a cyclical arrangement is necessary and inevitable as one progresses over time in various disciplines.
Key Questions Analysis Critical Evaluation Creative Synthesis What are the main ideas being made in each article? Is it possible to compare/contrast? What groupings/sequence might exist? What alternate/contradictory ideas exist? Analysis What metric/criterion will I apply? What evidence exists? What does the evidence suggest? What is my evaluation process? What assumptions/limitations/alternative views might exist? Critical Evaluation How might I integrate these ideas? How could I reframe the main points or the context? What metaphor might I employ? What new questions might I ask? What might be…? What if…? Creative Synthesis