Creating Your WebQuest on Introduction to WebQuest Signing in and out
About the Tutorials There are 3 tutorials designed to help you build your WebQuest using the free online website building tool – The tutorial specifically covers the content for the EDTK3202 e-Portifolio assignment.
About the Tutorials The 3 tutorials are: Signing up for a free WebQuest account Navigating the WebQuest website and edit the contents on the WebQuest pages Allow access to the webquest
Creating Your WebQuest on Lesson 1 Signing up for a Free WebQuest Account
Lesson Content In this lesson you will learn: How to sign up for a free WebQuest account How to log in and log out of your WebQuest website
What is contains Zunal WebQuest Maker, a web-based software specifically designed to allow anyone to create a WebQuest in a matter of minutes without the need to learn HTML code.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account Go to to sign up for a free account. You must have a valid email address. Click on the Register link at the top right hand corner of the website. You will be taken to the Get Started Today Page.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account Fill in the information in the boxes provided. You will need to fill in your Name, select your the country from the drop-down list, enter your email address, give yourself a username and enter a password. Click the Create Account button when you have completed filling in the information.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account You will need to type in your username and password every time you login in the future. This will give you access to your WebQuest website. You will now be taken to the My WebQuests page.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account In order to create a new webquest, you must be logged in and click on "Create WebQuest" link located on your control panel. you have two options (depending your account type). Creating from scratch or Adapting/Copying an existing WebQuest. In this section we will cover "Creating a WebQuest from Scratch”.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account Click on "Create a WebQuest from Scratch" button, a window will appear and only ask you if you have a title for your new webquest.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account You can enter the title (if you do not provide a title, it will be titled as "Untitled WebQuest". and press save now.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account ZUNAL will automatically do everything for you (1) create the structure of your new WebQuest that includes all standard pages (Title Page, Introduction, Tasks, etc) and (2) take you to your new webquest automatically so that you can edit each page according to your topic.
Signing up for a free WebQuest account Remember, ZUNAL will create empty pages for you. You will be the one updating each section of your WebQuest by visiting and updating them individually.
Logging out of your site Now let’s try logging out of our site. Locate the “Logout” link at the top right hand corner. Click the link. A screen will appear that tells you that you have been logged out.
Logging into the site You will be taken back to the initial login/signup screen. Since you have already signed up, all you need to do from now on is to “login”. To do this click on the “login” link at the top right hand corner of the website. Type in your username and password. Click the “login” button.
Logging into the site You will be taken to the My WebQuest page where you will see the name of the website you just created. Now click on the “View/Update This WebQuest” button.
Logging into the site You will be taken back to your website in editing view or mode.
Lesson Summary Excellent! You have just: Signed up for a free WebQuest account Created your username and password to access your account Created your first WebQuest (which you will continue to build and edit) Learned how to login and logout using your username and password.
End of Lesson 1 You have come to the end of lesson 1. In the next lesson you will learn how to navigate your webquest.