Recovering From Addiction Presenters: Molly Bernas, Rohan Jairam, Shelly Krzeminski, Jenny Lee, Brittany Marshall, Truong Truong Chapter: 27 Title (Content Area): Recovery from Addiction and Codependency Lesson : 1 Title (Topic): Recovery from Addiction Grade Level : Twelfth Grade (mean age 18)
Recovering From Addiction Presentation Date: November 13, 2007
In This Lesson, You Will Learn: How to define ‘addiction’, ‘intervention’, and ‘recovery’ Signs of addiction The process of intervention Steps for recovery of addiction
What is addiction? Addiction Not so easy to define A series of changes that happens over time Source of addiction can vary Probably the most serious and destructive of addictions are drugs or alcohol
Signs of addiction: Continual concern about where the next “fix” will come from Getting high or drunk regularly Lying about the amount of alcohol or drugs being used Avoiding friends or loved ones to go get high or drunk Giving up regular activities like after-school sports, homework, or hanging out with non-using friends Choosing friends that can supply addictive substances
Signs of addiction (cont): changes in appearance or personal habits irritability, nervousness, personality changes, or mood swings violent behavior black-outs needing more of the drug to get the same effect or to feel “normal” talking about the substances a lot
Signs of addiction (cont): thinking you have to drink or use drugs to have fun pressuring others to join in the drinking or drug using getting into trouble with the law participating in high-risk behaviors such as driving under the influence feeling depressed, hopeless, worn down, even suicidal
Imagine how many of them become addicted The statistics show: Source: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1999. Imagine how many of them become addicted
Video: A Recovered Drug Addict Talks About His Addiction
There is a way to help!
What is intervention? Meant to stop the downward spiral of the alcoholic before he/she “hits bottom” or loses everything. Family members/loved ones meet with counselor Discuss how their actions have affected their lives and how they feel about it They all surprise addict with a meeting to force the addict to face consequences of drinking and get help.
Activity: How Family Members Feel Get into your groups! Each member of the group will take on the role of a member of an addict/alcoholics family. (ex: mother, father, brother, spouse, child) From that family member’s point of view, discuss the affects the alcoholic’s/addict’s substance use has on you.
The Recovery Continuum Learning to live alcohol and/or drug free Happens over time, and is a life-long process
Steps to Recovery 2. Abstinence 1. Detoxification
Recovery Detoxification The removal of all drugs/alcohol from the body Abstinence Remaining drug-free Is this hard or easy to accomplish?
Activity: two faces of addiction Get into your groups! Remaining in groups, each group will receive a piece of paper and pencil. Half the groups will discuss the feelings an addict feel before recovery, and the other half of the groups discuss the feelings an addict experience after they begin recovery Write down your responses
Treatment Options
Treatment Options Where to begin? Teenagers can talk to their teacher, parent, or school counselor to find a recovery program The person may be directed to a support group or drug and alcohol treatment center
Treatment Options Support Groups The most popular method of drug and alcohol treatment A group of people who share the same addiction and work together to help one another stay sober Meetings are confidential, members can remain anonymous, and the meetings are free of charge E.g.: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous
Treatment Options Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facilities Specialize in drug and alcohol counseling Offer services to addicts who wish to recover Detoxification Units Inpatient Treatment Outpatient Treatment Continuing Programs Halfway Houses
It’s Now Time For an Assignment
Addiction Jeopardy! Get into your groups!
The End! Thanks!