TRILLION TREES & FLR in East Africa 29 August 2018 Tim Rayden
Introduction TRILLION TREES A collaborative venture between WCS, WWF and Birdlife International A vision of a world where tree cover is expanding not shrinking Seed funding from Restore UK (UK-based foundation) Aim to be catalytic in bringing new funding for ambitious large scale restoration and conservation initiatives A commitment to implementation: Initiating new projects, growing existing ones and bringing the right funding to the right action TRILLION TREES A combined presence in over 100 countries Developing a project portfolio around key target landscapes
Project pipeline Trillion Trees team provides technical support for project development, fundraising and enabling access to finance for projects that can contribute to the Trillion Trees aims: both protection and restoration projects Pipeline of 20+ landscape projects plus some cross cutting, sector specific or national scale policy initiatives
Priority geographies Partner pipeline projects Countries with projects that could be developed in line with TT Potential pipeline projects Countries with one or more landscapes supported by partners under Trillion Trees Partner pipeline projects Peru Brazil Equador… TBD 42M
Pathways to a Trillion Protected areas Sustainable wood supply Promote the better management of existing protected areas the creation of new protected areas and indigenous reserves Zero-deforestation commodities Supporting efforts to eliminate commodity-related deforestation Ethical and impact investing Private investment in conservation and conservation friendly production activities in our target landscapes Jurisdictional REDD+ Facilitate the development of payment for performance REDD+ in our target landscapes Sustainable wood supply Promoting the wise use of production forests, sustainable plantations and forest restoration Protected areas
East Africa FLR focus Tanzania Rwanda Uganda
Tanzania National FLR programme Usambara Mountains Supporting Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) to join the AFR100, target: 5.2 million hectares restored; Coordinating with stakeholders including IUCN, WRI and local CSOs to develop the National FLR Programme; Technical support through hiring of Trillion Trees Manager (Tz) and consultants to support Tz government on development of the national programme Providing GIS support for mapping and FLR priority areas diagnostics Support for Tz govt on FLR working group; Mobilisation of financial support: Improving REDD+ Mechanisms through GCF (next pipeline) National FLR Programme Tz and Zanzibar through the GEF7 mechanisms Pilot implementation in three landscapes already underway Usambara Mountains WWF & BLI restoration initiatives with local partner NGOs Rungwe Mountains WCS restoration initiatives in Rungwe, Kitulo Plateau & Mporoto Kazimzumbwi WWF restoration initiatives in Kazimzumbwi, Vikindu and Pugu Forest Reserves
WCS Southern Highlands Project, Tanzania Mt Rungwe, Kitulo Plateau National Park & Mporoto FR